Friday, May 02, 2008

Frying kuey teow

yes, frying kuey teow at the golf course
meaning, swing is so bad...
looked like u were holding the spatula frying kuey teow
"dun take pic"
"eyes alwiz on the ball, bend fr waist onwards"
"head down"
"weight on the right side,"
"straighten your left hand"
"relax your right hand"
"stick out your bum" (??????)
yada yada yada yada yada yada yada
yup, JS taught me well.

At "address", my position is just like a PRO.

very very good looking.

but then,
my back sakit sakit,
knee oso sakit sakit,

just to be in that PRO position.

shows how inflexible I am.
Bones keras already~~~~
"Straighten your left arm and left hand, maintain your head level and........hit it!!!"
"sudah salah!!!"


"My hands sakit!!! kenot straighthen!!!!! HMPH!!!!"

*and pulled my hand straight like pulling pasta I thought I heard it "krak"*

on the way down, oso kenot make it...
like frying kuey teow already.

"Must follow the swing plane!!!"
the correct swing plane~~~~~~

I am sooooo gonna get NC to adjust my plane next week.
"and follow through!!!!! There nice and easy"

his ball went hi and far~~~~~~~~

"APA INI????"
"U must maintain your position!!!! kenot lift up!!!! stay still!!!"
"Must follow through and admire your ball!!!!"

2 hours later we went into Bunga Raya course,
with me in the buggy of coz!!!!
nyek nyek nyek
and teacher JS walking...

can u see little him there?

I prefer to stay under the shades..
hiak hiak hiak.

anyway need to practice often,
can't just whack whenever I have time~~~
my muscles will forget the swing....
it's called "muscles memory."

and managed to catch a glimpse of our new home
for the one and only pic pls *click here*

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