Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Homemade Pizza

Prince C custom-made a very nice granite stone for us
not to throw at ppl
*it's so heavy that I can't carry it*
but to make superb thin crust crunchy can die pizza.

JS: "I want a stone oven at our new place. Let's build one."
Me: " O_o stone oven??? STONE OVEEEENNN????? >_<" Since kitchen is HIS territory and HE is designing it,
do wat u want.
I shall not interfere.
later world war 3 or 4 or 5.

*In that case, can I have a rabbit???? wink wink? puuuhhhleeeaasseeeee?????* *puuuhhhhhleeeaassseeeeeeeee, u can have 5 stone ovens at home.*
Pizzas are fr Italy, so use Italian ingredients like fresh herbs, sun ripen tomatoes, etc etc.

Here we used chillies *we lurve em*
japanese tomatoes coz it's the best
fresh basils
fresh baby spinach
japanese onions *available at Isetan*
Italian flat leaf parsley
homemade tomato sauce *made fr momotaro tomatoes*
and most of all my favourite streaky bacons, heheheheheh nyek nyek nyek.
basically it's very simple
and errrm I dunno how and forgot how.
then shape it to watever shape u like.
Pizzas dun have to be round ok!!!!!

okie lar, we have to admit,
we are not very good with shaping stuffs *like bread*
so I guess rectangle is the easiest.
heat the oven with the granite stone in it!!
and then bake the crust first!!!

and while baking, let's dig something to drink~~~~~
just the 2 of us how to finish a bottle of bordeaux?
if it's a burg......hehehehehee, different story.

aaaa, see the magnum bottle over there???
resting well,
it's drinkable already but I am not ready to open it coz only ONE bottle at home!!!
it's not a very good vintage but STILL!!! it's MY YEAR!!!!

those born in 1970, 1978, 1982 and bla bla bla *quite a number of good year*

bless u,
either u have to spend a bomb on your year
every birthday, u get to enjoy great wines.
next fridge!!!
oooo all the yummies.......La Tour, Chambertine, Mouton...ooooo and Salon!!
the bottom tier = all the grange and pensfold
*eh I dun like them anymore*
and so we have this, half bottle = 375ml
Cos d'estournel fr st estephe.

I didn't see which bottle he opened,
he tricked me and served with a burgundy glass.

after the 1st peppery whiff,
"wait a while more, so tannic."

After like waiting till I cannot wait...
"wat is this?"
JS: "He he he it's d'estournel."

OMG!!! how come so aweful????
Nose: peppery, celery
Palate: cedar??? acid????

Conclusion = I don't like Bordeaux anymore.
-_- bad
ok ok maybe good bordeaux.
garlic + olive oil base
the rest put whatever u like....
next come the basils, salt + pepper
ooOoooo so rustic!!!!!
this one with the homemade tomato based sauce,
baby spinach, bacons, onions, chilies and fresh mozzarella

Never ever compromise with processed cheese for pizza,
made the pizza stinks like mad!!!
*u know those shredded loose yellowish parmesan???*
see the bacon there!!
"Put more. Sumore...More..."
JS: "-_- enuff already."
Next time we wanna try suckling pig pizza with aragula
we had it at La Strada, Singapore.
Yes I can eat the whole pizza!!!

What to do with the leftover toppings???
leftover basil + tomatoes
toss with olive oil, pepper and salt....
the leftover baby spinach + bacon *which should have NO leftover*
sautee them with garlic.

hmmm, I noticed that I lurve charred food nowadays...
suckling pig pizza ANYBODY????

have to ask Chef JS whether he wants to make or not.
sure a lot of work...:P
thank u first ya!

PS: YES. JS finished the whole bottle of d'estournel himself.

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