Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Platz Platz PlatzzzZZZzzzz

We wanna go to....erm....errr...
dictionary pls!!!!!!

platz = place
yes it's so cold that there's no leaves!!!
wat happen???
It's supposed to be Spring!!!!
where are the flowers?!?!?!?!
it's 7pm and market place is almost closing!!
in fact 70% closed!!!!
my favourite flowers~~~~~
all the flowers are here......
exotic cheese!!!
I saw the one with truffles!!!
beautiful lemons in a crate
Rustic Bread!!!!!
can't describe the aroma~~~~~~~~
*suddenly i feel hungry, kluuuu kluuuuu kluuuuu*
Lurve their croissants,
made fr pork lard of coz!!!!
UBS Bank
in a very very old but nice building
*not wonder everywhere is haunted in Moo moo land*
another old but nice building
I was goin to H&M
the beige col building!!!!
and shopped like gila coz i've got a window of 15 mins to do so before it closed at 7pm!!!

anyway despite the 15 mins thingy,
I managed to get lotsa beach wear,
summer coming mer...

"hey it's summer everyday back in our country kay!!!"
trams moving around the narrow street.
noticed why there isn't traffic jam???
coz everyone walks~~~~~

*JS will lurve Switzerland then*
reminded me of 1800s
gimme a bow and some arrows!!!
put a few heavily armoured soldiers with their horsies
and the set is ready.
yes it is always this scenic and calm in Switzerland.
and slow....
and laid back
and slow


okie need to adjust back to my hectic lifestyle here.
*macam lar need adjusting :P*

Have a great day ppl!!
I have lots on my plate today.
*Swiss style with all the zzzZZzzzz*

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