Wednesday, April 23, 2008



Flughafen = Airport in German

How am I supposed to figure it out???
airport in French = l'aeroport
well at least we can figure that out!!!
Laurie sent a driver to picked me up fr the apt...
if only he can send me all the way to Zurich airport...
*opsss I mean Zurich Flughafen*
Basel's train station,


I am so frustrated that I couldn't pick up the language.
that was the train to Paris!!!
I wanna board!!! wait for meeeeeeeeeeee.
Journey was long and very very quiet!!!

seriously quiet that I can hear a pin dropped.
so nice to sleep~~~~~

Warning: Do not sleep in the train. Take care of your belongings!!!!! Poor Adam lost his luggage bag + notebook + other important documents. Hai....
definitely not grapes....dunno wat naked tree without leaves.
I was trying to spot some moo moo cows for u guys,
but guess it was an OFF day for them.
*all resting in the barn, or went ski-ing, or holiday-ing elsewhere*
scenery was so autumn-ish
swiss kampung,
looked so resorty to me
I think their kampung houses are nicer than mine
I've reached Zurich's train station...
journey not over yet...
need to board another train to the airport
flughafen I mean. :P
scary railways
so many of em.
the train is very long too,
Can u see the 1st coach right there???
I wasn't even on the last coach....
wow, Zurich is so dense and populated.
ok folks, I will try to extend my stay in the future and explore Zurich ok.
I rushed there and came back to msia in a hurry.
Yes I know....everyone's been telling me..

"U should have stayed on."
"U should have gone to Paris."
"U should have gone to Italy."
"U should u should u should"

"U should have seen my workload back in Msia kay."
how to extend?
no mood at all!!!
the short train service in Flughafen which took me fr terminal to terminal.
Tunnel of time~~~~~~~
Can u see the snow-capped mountain?
yeah it's everywhere,
should have snap more for u guys to see...

I must pick up German next year.
I don't wanna be using sign language again.
*coz I can't figure out how to tell them i wanna poo-poo and where's the toilet?*

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