Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Eton College & Windsor Castle

Early morning after a hearty breakfast - the usual bacon & eggs
*heart choking according to JS*
I was pulled to the train station.

"Where are we goin?"
"Windsor Castle & Eton College."
our train is here!!!
journey bout 50 minutes and I managed to nap.
hua hua hua.
makan then tidur, sounds like a cute animal.
kuak kuak kuak....come to me!!!
it's freezing out there!!!
It was brrrrRRRRrrrrrrrr very very cold with strong wind.
we crossed the bridge over to Eton College...
it's a very small small town,
I guess it's so small that there's nothing there!!!!
Eton College Chapel
it's winter holiday and the college was closed to visitors.
everything looked sooooo sOOOoooo old here.
Founded in 1440.
18 British Prime Ministers went to school here,
England's statesmen, dukes etc...
and of course the famous lengcai Prince William.

can u believe it???
all their school leavers go on to universities and
1/3 will attend Oxford or Cambridge.
this one....fr University of Manchester,
*UMIST actually b4 it bcame the above - University of Manchester Institute Science & Technology*

top engineer in his school,
with numerous awards.
this one ar....tsk tsk...
University of Makansutra and Tidurlogy,
ngok ngok....
Anyway we crossed the bridge back to Windsor
it's so cold!!! dun sit there!!!
How do u scale a wall this high???
The flag is up!!
does that mean Her Majesty is in the castle???
1st layer of defence
according to the knowledgeable and educated guide aka JS -_-
this is where the infantry placed their bows and arrows..
looked kinda small eh?
it can house a 43kg pig!!!
Lurve their walls,
taken at the South Wing.
This place is huge I tell ya.
Le Palais Du Jardin???
Palace in the Garden???
nope...more like Garden in the Palace.
The Quadrangle,
a huge courtyard.
then we went inside the building...
no cameras allowed,
but Monkey saw how big the dining room was!!!!!
*imagining myself feasting on the table as huge as a concert stage*

and of coz...all the beautiful drawing rooms with paintings dated as far back to the 18th century.

by the way, this castle was built in 1070.
St George's Chaple inside the castle
Windsor Castle is one of the major tourist attraction in London,
well u'll get to see how the monarchs lived!!!

the royal family stays here every winter.
nope, dun ask...
i didn't see any hensem prince.


  1. You called yourself "pig" and you said you ate bacons every morning... that makes you a cannibal :P

  2. ate too much of bacons hence bcame a pig lor. hehehehe.
