Monday, January 07, 2008

Dinner with BabyEclipse & Charming Andrew

Charming Andrew & BabyEclipse
As though we can't meet up in KL,
as though we lived a world apart,
as though either one of us is a londoner.
Nvm, we ladies lurve to saja-saja.

BabyEclipse was in London for holiday as well with her hunny bunny.
so for months ahead before this trip,
we were planning away while busy at work in KL,
decided to have dinner together in London.
So we dined at a french restaurant - Le Palais du Jardin
"Palace in the Garden"
a very nice restaurant to go to if u are near Covent Garden,
the theatreland of London.
*I will blog about threatre experience soon, ok!!!*
we had a seafood starter with lobsters, oysters, clams, scampis, prawns,
cockles, razor clams..........on a bed of ice.
mind u, we ordered FOR TWO!!!
more like for eight.
GBP 57.50
Babyeclipse and Monkey chose the lovely duck for main,
frenchs are known to make superb duck
Pan fried duck breast on a Fig & Red Onion Tart with Fleurie wine sauce
GBP 17.50
as though they mind-read each other....
the guys went for the:
Fillet of Monkfish wrapped in Parma ham served with braised greens and a grain mustard sauce
GBP 17.50

I like the idea of wrapping the ham around the white meat,
make it so much more tasty
PS: I'm not a fish person at the moment.
the 1st nite we came here,
they didn't have Bollinger champagne,
and we had to settle for Tattinger and it didn't end up well,
well....I had to confess,
my dinner ended up at Baker Street station.


and so.....for the nite with BabyEclipse,
we made sure Bollinger is in stock!!!
Bollinger Special Cuvee GBP 65
Vanilla creme brulee with a strawberry compote.
GBP 6.50

Four of us shared one dessert,
coz just too much.
I didn't finish my main though.

BabyEclipse went to sooooo many countries this round,
London - Paris - Munich - London
Did I miss any country??? I lost count.
Olives to go with cocktail
we asians dun have a habit of sitting at the bar,
sipping away before dinner.

we'll stormed in, get ourselves seated...
order fast fast, makan fast fast then cabut.
ang mohs will say we dunno how to enjoy our food.
The 1st time we came here....
we had parma ham + melons GBP 7.50
bought a lot of spanish ham as well...yet to makan.
waiting in my fridge.
Grilled mille feuille of Halibut, Spinach & Wild Mushroom
on potato gnocchi with foie gras sauce GBP 17.50
yeah the gnocchis looked like worms!!!!
I dun think we can get halibut in msia though.
JS is a gnocchi freak!!!!
hence the happy happy face.

His next project would be Chinese Yam Gnocchis
known as "Suan Pan Zi"
will blog about it after JS experiment on it...
and me being his one and only guinea pig.
*I lurve being the pig*
and my grilled lobster with black rice in butter sauce GBP 18.50
this was the glass of Tattinger we had on the 1st nite.

I am gonna ban Tattinger!!
wat was I thinking?????

as the saying goes,
for every bottle of "not so good wine" that u drink, it's like smashing a good one unto the wall.

Never waste time on poor quality food, service, products etc.
after all we only lived once!!!

It was so nice to spend time with you & Charming Andrew.
Do let us know your next holiday destination,
we'll plan something if the destination coincide again.
tee hee hee

Le Palais Du Jardin
136 Long Acre,
London WC2E 9AD.
Tel: 020 7379 5353

do check out their exciting menu on the website.
Cheers ppl!!!

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