Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Buckingham Palace

As early as 11am.....hundreds of tourists thronged the palace.
to catch a glimpse of "changing of the guards"

well, including me....
since I am so petite,
I had to find the highest spot to witness this!!
yes, stand on the steps of Victoria Memorial.
Guess that's the best place to view everything.
First came the royal band,
their winter uniform looked so dull.
and then the guards marched by
black knights with their trojan heads
someone told me it's "broom" head,
more like a mop to me.
the enormous crowd was controlled by police in their cute horses.
steady there.....
don't kick notti monkey.
I've been very good all year long.
It was freaking windy that day....
then we took a walk through St. James Park next to the palace,
I saw squirrels running around and started chasing them.
Hundreds of birds and pelicans.
very well composed pic by JS
Thru the park and it's Westminster Abbey
Told ya it's cold!!!
all wrapped up like a tortilla.
Clock tower but widely mistakenly known as Big Ben
long story and lazy to cerita here.
50p = RM 3.50 to use the public toilet.
It's very clean though!!
and then we hopped on the ferry for a nice cozy river cruise,
at least it's not so windy and cold inside.
Tower Bridge and alwiz mistakenly known as London Bridge,
Actually London Bridge looked so uninteresting and boring.
it was built in 1892
Our destination - Millennium Dome
it's now known as O2
Spice girls was having their tour there and of coz both of us were not interested.
Look ma!!! see wat I've got!!!
I've upgraded my car!!!
Winter is a good exuse to drink
basically anything alcoholic...

Got to try their "bitter".
British Ale.
now u can take off all your tortilla skin,
tee hee hee.

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