Monday, December 31, 2007

Borough Market

Woke up extremely early on a weekend to visit a market?!?!?!
yeah, I must be having a fever or something...
head damaged probably.

You cannot miss Borough Market bcoz it is one of the largest + oldest in the world!!
it was built in 1851 situated at the end of London Bridge.

Jamie Oliver get his stuffs here!!!
Pheasants.....they lurve to hunt these birds
these are extremely fresh with gun shot wounds.
All kind of cheese,
this place is so huge that we had to walk around twice to make sure we dun miss a single thing!!
Confirmed kiasu!!!

Actually we were looking hi and lo for some exotic sausage for Lawrence.
We went to the spanish meat shop, they asked us to go to the Germans..
and the german shop directed us to the Italian one...

ended we dun even know wat were we conversing!??!?!

spanggerlian perhaps???
wow!! artisan bread!!!
the aroma drives me crazy!!!
but nothing can beat this!!!
My nose lead me to this shop which sells yummy breakfast!!

They have all sort of combos
eggs + bacon + mushrooms
eggs + bacons + tomatoes
eggs + bacons + sausages
eggs + sausages + so many other things
just tell them wat u want!
JS had this!!
Guess he had enuff of bacons with our "almost everyday" Mcdonald's bacon + egg breakfast.
Lotsa herbs in their sausage
Most of the time they used thyme or rosemary
Oh yea, after breakfast kenot complain about being:
- cold
- can't walk
- hungry
- I smelled sumthing yummy hence I can't walk bcoz I am hungry
- cold
- cold
- cold
- I have yet to have bacon today
all the beautiful greens
Can u see the red chilis above??
the size of my face!!!
fresh oysters
they'll shuck it there and u just slurp it there!!
Can't get any fresher than this unless u go and catch it yourself.
crab claws....
This species is so endangered that u can only eat its claws
*then dun eat lar!!!*

they'll catch the crabs, break its claws and throw them back into the sea..
bcoz the claws will grow back.
freshly hand made chocolate truffles,
so many of them!!!!

really comforting and yummy
I can almost taste it.....
see how thick the shaved cheese were!!!!
the sourdough bread was so crunchy *can die*
so much of melted cheese with the occasional sweet onions in it.

One ain't enuff,
moreover I had to share!!!!
GBP 4 = RM 28
yeah food is expensive in London so pls compare dollar to dollar.
Best time to come???
Got to be Saturday!!!

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