Thursday, June 28, 2007

heee heee heee

I think there's only a handful of human beings,
who can live with me,
stay put with my attitude,
accept my shit and still treat me like an angel..
*my family, my roomies, my very close school/MMU friends, ppl at work*

You were so angelic,
*and you said that I am to you*
Life is just perfect!!
Thank you for managing my mess efficiently,
pack my stuffs for travels/holidays,
incl medicines, supplements, toiletries, food.
so that I will still feel so at home abroad.
Continuously cooking and inventing new stuffs,
for my big CC tummy!!
and still ask me every single day without fail,
"What do you wanna eat tonite?"
When I had bad days,
U'll spoil me and let me vent and spend and eat,
like a Maharaja.
and reminds me how real this world is!!

Thank you for guiding me,
and showing the real world.
so that I'll know where to go to,
what to do,
esp how to deal with scums.
thank you for being such a great bodyguard,
all the time...
though at times u do need a bodyguard,
to save u from pink men.
You never turn your back against me,
unless I ask u to go away
and obediently you kept silent,
while super layan-ing my emo.
*I am an emo monkey*
thank you for cam-whoring with me,
though u hated it,
and put a sulky face in every pics!!
nvm, I can still capture u,
while u were tipsy and drunk..
thank you for caring and loving this wombit!!
*wombat + hobbit = wombit*

Happy Anniversary

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