Friday, June 29, 2007

1st bad wine experience

1st, it's a beautiful burg by a good maker.
2ndly, it's a 1966!!! Come on, a 40 year old burg.
Don't ask me bout the price,
damn pissed!

After opening and have its 1st note,
JS rejected it...
Sommelier came over and had a tasting..
"Give it another 5 more minutes and it will open up beautifully."

Monkey: "It smells like Marmite."
JS: "I think it's off already."
So we waited.....
still liddat >_< Monkey:"It still smells like Marmite. I dowan to drink it."
Sommelier:"It has a hint of soil with soyu in it." well the sommelier described a wine...soyu!!! not Marmite!!
Haut Brion 86 which we got in HK,
JS was smart to brought another bottle of wine,
insurance everytime you are bringing an old burg to a restaurant.

Sommelier: "Ah, this must be a special dinner with all the great wines."
Both JS and Monkey: " :)))))))))))))))))))))) "
Complimentary fr Chef Takahashi,
Caviar, prawn and salmon.
seared scallop with pear, brie and walnuts
Sea urchin pasta with conch
Grilled Angus beef with bacon jus
He seldom smile like this,
this is truly a Kodak moment for me.
Both of us were wearing Frank Muller Colour Dreams,
cept that mine is a Crazy Hour...
the time is 9.35

mine in stainless steel,
his in White Gold...
no difference oso!!!!!
cept the price.
my favourite Grand Marnier Souffle...
u have to wait 20 mins for this!

I didn't get him anything :(
*guilt strikes*
Tiffany Bubbles earrings in platinum
to go with my bubbles necklace..
mine was with pink sapphires...
again they don't have the pic in their website.
Total carat: .43

Someone sooooo gonna reimburse us back the stooopid wine!!!
Brought it back to cook!!
If it's not fit for drinking, wat makes it fit for cooking??????

PS: Good luck to u Nee Lee. Let's move it move it!!


  1. thanks beeree... but I'm still largely left alone :P

    happy anniversary to you! ;)

  2. Thank you Nee Lee.

    At least you've aleady "move it move it" away fr Mr. Chimney!! aaaaahhh, clean fresh air to work with...just don't pile anything or make a nest there!! Remember to have fun...Cheers!!
