Friday, May 25, 2007

Family portrait

The line of managers....the future of the company

Sunil & Ashok from New Delhi,
Deepa in red, my boss's boss fr Spore,
Chris da bos....dun need introduction here,

Alex the ah beng fr Spore...
Janet the Ms Whitherspoon fr Spore,
seated is the owner of the company fr Switzerland, our biggest boss,
and Monkey the havoc fr Msia!!!

I've never taken any family portrait b4 with my coll,
It looked so good that I wanna have a huge one hanging in my office.

thanks to Revolution magazine's photographer,
*sorry I forgot your name*

He was supposed to photograph pics of the timepieces,
for July 07 issue.
and us being camwhore...
forced him to take one good one for us for FREE.

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