Thursday, May 24, 2007

98103254 reasons why I gained weight

sing along below...
with Michael Jackson's "Bad"

bcoz I'm fat, I'm fat - come on
(fat fat, really really fat)
You know I'm fat, I'm fat - you know it
(fat fat, really really fat)

You know I'm fat, I'm fat - come on, you know
(fat, fat - really really fat)
and the whole world has to
answer right now
Just to tell you once again,
Who's fat...


and being the usual me,
my finger automatically pointed to a certain someone..
give u some hints...
I lurve the wasabi rice with salmon belly by Chef Leonard,
so someone managed to copy it and presented on my table for dinner.
Monkey lurves potatoes....
Salmon cooked in oil confit with homemade salad and boiled potatoes!!!
and when I said I lurve potatoes...
more potatoes coming out fr the kitchen.
potato gnocchis with saffron, peas and bacons.
I oso enjoyed alio olio pasta.....
and more carbs on the way.
prawns ravioli in tomato based sauce with basils.
when I said I like raviolis....
more ravioli the following day.
porky ravioli with crunchy sautee prawns.
I oso lurve cheese...
even cheese on all my greens.
my salads are alwiz overloaded with cheese...
not to mention oily greasy chinese food.
Someone will prepare it the street style for monkey.
and more yummy soupy noodles.....
I simply lurve prawns.
Never sick of it..
and last week,
I had too much of b-day cakes...
being the b-day gal i got the largest chunk all the time!!!
*hmmm......i am still 20 years old*
When someone is too bz to cook certain dish for me,
I'll go out to venture into my fav prawn noodles.
and also "lam mee"

With different yummy menu everyday,
how not to get fat???

Okie lar...I have a fair share to be blamed on,
*and mainly on JS*
for indulging too much of alcos..
One glass of red wine = 160 calories

Now monkey is on a detoxification diet..
how leh??
this weekend got wedding dinner.

Me being a great procastinater...
"eat 1st lar...tmrw diet."

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