Thursday, April 26, 2007

of virus attack and holidays mania, *Basel Day 5*

There must be some super strong mother of all virus incubating in my body,
for it's still there after 14 days,

I've infected 3 ppl officially,
1) My director in Spore
2) Ms. Whitherspoon in Spore
3) poor JS

1) the swiss guy who sat beside me in the flight
2) Kee *self proclaimed*

am currently wearing a mask,
just in case another victim.
or my boss should just let me stay at home and rest.

It's a holiday after all today,
The Installation of the King.

"Why can't we have holidays tmrw????"
"Bcoz it's not official and it's optional."

"but...but...LVMH group is off TOMORROWW!!!!!!
"I SAID it's optional."

"You disrespect the King. He will chop your head off!!!"
"....................if u don't come tmrw, I will chop yours."

Monkey stick our her tongue..

"You are evil Chris."

"nyek nyek nyek....wat to do...I'm da boss. And being number 2 in the company, u have to follow my decision *grin*."
Pale sick Monkey, Laurent and Ms.Whiterspoon.
By the 5th day,
Monkey fell ill in Basel.

Went to see a doctor....
so damn hard to find a doctor there..
after consulting him...he scribbled some notes on a piece of paper.

"Mademoiselle, pls go to the pharmacist and get yada yada yada."

WATTT? I still have to walk a few hundred metres to get my medication??
can't u see I'm dying here?
Anyway the medication cost me CHF 60 = RM 180.
1 row of flu med,
1 throat antibacterial spray,
1 row of paracetamol.

Yesterday I went to my usual doc at KLCC,
only cost me RM 52.

Those medication fr Switzerland didn't cure me at all,
instead it supressed my illness.
and the virus just incubated inside me before multiplying.
Antonio and family...*he is soooo good looking, the wife better be careful.*
his lil gal is so darn sweet and cute.
I just felt like smuggling her home to Msia.

Wearing a Zara yellow dress *which I almost bought bcoz it's so GUCCI liked*
is my regional director.
Opening her wardrobe one day...

"Deepa, u can open your own Zara shop. Do u know that I have some of the dresses and shoes that u have there?"
"Just make sure u don't wear them when i'm wearing it."
"You are the boss."
Mr. Chairman and Antonio's elder gal.
She got blue eyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
both of them are suisse.
a beautiful fountain outside the museum.
Since monkey is sick,
she was excused from work and got to wander around,
for fresh air.
Nope, this ain't no church.
It's the city theatre.
Doreen and Ms. Whitherspoon,
Doreen is one of the most respected GM and event organiser in KL.
She's very sought after in town...

Joined both of them *and of coz Kee*
for dinner at Swissotel.
A very uneventful dinner.

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