Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The day Kee arrives, Day 4

It's Spring!!!
Weather is alwiz lovely lovely lovely,
with enuff sun,
and yet it's still chilly....
tulips everywhere *well in this case only in ang moh's land*
I stumbled into this wild mistletoe!!!!
Sorry folks, confirmed this monkey a "jakun"
but come got mistletoe one???
Xmas been over for 4 mths liao.
??????? someone pls tell me.
As dayz progressed,
Monkey been bz bz bz bz bz bz,
I was gawd damn tired by then,
and it's only the 2nd day of the fair.

How to survive for 10 dayz????
I was sooooo looking fwd to go home to Msia.
My biggest boss and also the owner of the brand.
He owns a chateau dated from 1023.....that's like gazillion years old.
in southern France,
which was used to be a hunting lodge for King Francois.
This is his son, Michael...
also the President of the company.
Look at my drunken face....
I feel like giving myself a punch.

"How do u prefer to be address Michael? Mike? Michael???"
"tee hee hee....le Presidente...hehehe."
Monkey rolls eyes...

"helooo Mr. President...that's your tittle."
"Darlin, you can call me anything."
A not so drunken pic with Ms. Whiterspoon.
Stolen fr Ms.Witherspoon's camera.
u knew damn well who is Alex trying to copy....
He's just plain jealous!!
and keep hitting on Fabienne
to provoke me!!!
nvm...I said..
I also have a new boyfriend there.

He is so darn cute!!
His name is Gaetan.
Monkey floating on air.
in the end,
he cannot tahan and said he wants me back.

ah beng..ah beng..
Monkey shakes her mickey mouse head.
Exhibition closes at 7pm everyday,
we were the exhibitors,
so we left by 8pm..
Look at the sky, it is still so bright!!

and I know,
I have to pick Kee up....
File pic taken 6 months ago,
the 1st time I met him..

I hate his stupid bag that looks like a dog.
u think u Paris Hilton meh???

Oooo..yup i bumped into PARIS HILTON in BASEL!!!!!!
confirmed a dumb blonde I tell ya!!
"I am so delighted to be in Zurich bla bla bla nye nye nye"

Total silence.
everyone -_-
This is Basel lar...not Zurich!!!

Paris was there to launch her own line of watches.
Anyway she is really sweet and beautiful.
Surprising not that tall.
Really beautiful in person.
with 8 mafia like bodyguards....

On another note,
Monkey is seriously ill today,
I'm goin home now.
if only i can finish my work here.

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