Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Excellent seat mate(s)

Monkey am blogging fr Dubai here,
Land for the rich arabs..
All I can see is lotsa sand dust outdoor.

Am trying to kill some time here while transiting for my next flight,
this is definitely no fun to wait and spend $$$ doin duty free shopping,

Journey to Dubai was about 6++ hours,
flight was farking full,
till not enuf space to park our hand luggage,
and of coz the usual noise, sluggish passengers etc..

But the part that makes all these go away was,
I was sitting with the whole jing gang of...

BMW Sauber F1 team...
kua kua kua...

we chatted and shared stories,
most of them are germans...

Why do they have such beautiful clean blonde hair,
with that blue-ish eyes that make u drool???
and such cute smiles...

*wake up Monkey*

Yes waking up and wiping her drools
Later folks...another 2 more hours for my flight to Zurich.

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