Monday, April 09, 2007

Dumb ass in the making

Remember how I classified ppl,
who spent a fortune on a piece/biji of fruit???
that they are such dumb ass...


I'm one now....
nope, it's not 29's 129 bucks...
got a small one since only 2 of us eating.

knowing that all fresh produce are flown in by Friday,
We went to check the supermarket out,
indeed 4 beautiful fresh melons were there.
it looks like a globe to me
perfectly round on its axis
comes complete with road maps around it....I was searching for my street.
1 piece ain't enuff,

During the weekends,
with some time or should i say a lot of free time,
we ventured into something new.
mushroom risotto, extremely good.
one friend asked me wat the heck is risotto,
which monkey been eating.

more like "maan farn" for chinese, *braised rice*
but risotto is just the italian version.

I missed the crab braised rice in Ipoh!!!
slow roast shoulder of lamb with french onions, sautee asparagus, and horseradish mash potatoes.

Monkey made the mash fr scratch!!!
horseradish = wasabi
Totally awesome,
I'm a sucker for potatoes,
Guess Ireland is a place for me then.

the yummy lamb took 6 hours to bake!!!
I sacrificed by not goin out the whole afternoon,
to take care of this baby!!!
Gevrey Chambertine
the label is farking fierce!!!
and so is the wine.
I bought some muscats
at Culina Spore *where else?*
and they labelled it as dried grapes....aiks.

mane boleh???
It's like labeling your Giorgio Armani as Emporio Armani!!
just so wrong.
dried muscats,
awesome sweetness.

Can't have too much though,
*monkey shaking her mickey mouse head*

Monkey flying off again today, alone...
14 hours on the plane,
my seat mate better be good.

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