Friday, February 23, 2007

Yum Cha

This time is really yum cha....
no more yum seng if I wanna save my liver.
so we yum cha-ed at Min Kok Restaurant...
I lurve the prawns dumplings!!!

Some ppl caused commotion there,
the whole restaurant stood up to watch,
7 of us still holding our chopsticks,
with yummy loh mai kai on the lips...
froze n watch..

we r so confirmed retarded lar..
next time run!!!!
and forget bout the bills
nyek nyek nyek
the place was freaking crowded,
after bz saying hi to each other outside
we missed our waiting numbers *yes need to take number one*
or should I say, the turnover of customers was astounding
plus efficiency of workers...
just woke up monkey & Sam
Melisa, still sleepy monkey, bubbly Chin & Sam
ok, I'm wide awake after a round of tea and porridge
Lee Yee, Yoke May, Mee Chuen, Siew Chien, Melisa
then off to SC's home for some.............entertainment
when gals gamble, all sorts of behavior will come out....
i took so many candid pics during the gambling session...
if only i can post it here...
was refrained by galfrenz....
no posting on the blog..esp those..
which will diminish their face value...

Now u know when gals get together
can be frightful experience...
esp when the stakes are high....friendship are thrown aside..tsk tsk
evil look when winning!!! Big winner of the day....
monkey win or lose oso smile broadly alwiz..
my classmates....sayang sayang...
we are confirmed camera whore...

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