Thursday, February 22, 2007

CNY Reunion Dinner

Lou Hei!!! It was a total mess... >_<
a table full of gals lou hei, u can imagine the noise..hehehe
we forgot to check for cracks on the window
Fui Lin whom I've never met for 10 solid years!!! Gosh..
We became frenz when we were 11,
I remembered we did a project,
during Secondary 3 with PC & WK,
interviewing a prominent lawyer,
and ended hanging out downstairs his office,
which also happens to be a red light district!!!!

No wonder those men were staring at us...
still clad in school uniform..
tsk tsk.
Melissa da lawyer and Pei Pei at the back. Fui Lin, monkey & Chai
FL flew back fr London, Chai fr San Diego,
Monkey....erm......some jungles in KL.
and Sheryl all the way fr Singapore
Kelly, Jol Dih & Serena
HL & YM my best fren :)))
the superb organiser, Alex...*sudah tukar nama*
happy happy face :))))
YM & SM *unofficial Pantene ambassador*
Back: Sheryl, Chiew Lian, Fui Lin, Chai, Siew Ling. Front: Alex, Sook Mei, Diana, Chiew Teng, Siew Hui & Monkey
Sheryl, YM & HL
monkey and SM
me & Amy aka Mrs Choong
more group shot
all of us

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