Monday, September 18, 2006

Pizza vs Gourmet dinner

We decided to hone our pizza making *as for me, pizza eating* skills last nite.
Made everything fr scratch...
from the sweet juicy basil tomato sauce,
to the nice crusty pizza base.
salami, zuchinni, pineapple, basil, capsicum, fresh oregano
field mushroom, red spanish onions, capsicum, thyme
I'm such a "jakun" taking so many pics on those two same boring pizza from different angles...
like it's some amazing once in a lifetime volcanic eruption...hehe

We were "too ambitious" to make 2 pizzas,
and it's too late to call anyone within our vicinity to share.
*you may wanna furnish me with your phone numbers now, whoever stays in KL City"
It only takes about 40 minutes to make both from scratch....very easy & simple.

Basically, u just throw in whatever toppings u desired...but not to the extend it becomes a "rojak".
After these superb homemade pizzas...

In the future, I can have pizza party at home!!!
yaayyy...I don't have to call Domino's anymore.
Baby, u do the cooking ya? hehehe...

This morning, Veeny emailed some really nice pics of her dinner.
A dinner she hosted for some ppl from the Iran Embassy.
It's a starter called gazpacho - shrimps, croutons and tomato basil sauce with olive oil.
carpacio of much of it.
foie gras served with caramelised baby onions in lemon grass and ginger...look at the thickness of the pate....urgh.
lemon sorbet to washed down the richness of the previous course - foie gras
ravioli with baked beetroot in pesto sauce...*i hate beetroot*
The chef in blue shirt - Idan and George in white, the sommelier for the nite.
rissoto with truffle oil and parmesan served with shaved black much truffles!!
In Msia, 3 pcs of truffles cost RM 160.
shrimps in phyllo pastry served with sweet & sour sauce....actually it's like a shrimp pohpiah. hai...those gweilos..
creme brulee with dates in tahini sauce and chocolate truffles. I LIKE!!!! I WANT!!!!
Veeny was the sous chef together with executive chef here, Idan

Veeny!!! (JS's sis)
You don't come to Msia yet, ok?
I have yet to master any culinary skills to serve anything edibe to u!!!
Let me go to Cyprus this year-end and u can whip anything for me....kakakaka

It's amazing how two of them can host a dinner for 18 people!!!!
Veeny is a chartered accountant by profession and mind u not a chef...
and so is my bf....for the last time ppl....
but I am a bummer.

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