Sunday, September 17, 2006

The monkey wears ZARA

yeap..can't wait for this chick-flick...
anyway 30 minutes ago, I've got hold of the book at Kinokuniya.
Will tuck into it reaaaalll soon.
Monkey in $$$$ to wear Prada everyday lar...
and I don't find them fantastique at all.
Zara is affordable so I can wear them everyday.
Plus they have casual, dressy, flirty wear to serious crisp corporate line..
to nightwear...
very versatile.
except swimwear...and lingerie in Msia..
Bubbly Kay
had a drink with her on Friday at Aseana Cafe, KLCC.
It's amazing that this is only the 3rd time I met up with her,
but we can share so much on an open book... ain't easy to find ppl u can click nowadays.
and I find her very interesting...
hmmm so interesting i wanna put her in my laboratory as some specimen..
wanna crack her brain & see what's inside!!
*evil monkey*

when u are having a good time with good company, u forgot about time and I was late for my next appointment *thanks to the farking KL jam*
Kay at Phuket
Damn I lurve this pic sooo much..
Got to be the colours...the surrounding...the shadow....the beautiful beach.
It's the super poser there...'s her smile, her funky hair, her killer and yet nonchalant pose!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    I watch the Devil Wears Prada 2months back. Merryl Streep is so cruel! hehhe..but it's a good chick flick. I enjoyed it :)
