Monday, August 28, 2006

Cloned Grapes

With the current technology advancement, you'll be AMAZED what human can clone nowadays. Frightening eh? I do wonder, how far can we go and the effects to our civilisation. Well let those genius kill their brain cells on this...I shall not!
from the valley of Montepulciano *yes I'm a fetish for Tuscany wines* (RM 199)

Carpineto, a clone of Sangiovese, but taste as good. 1999 is a very good year for Italian wines. When selecting any Italian wines, do make sure there's a DOCG label on it.

Vino a Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG)

To make things less complicated, DOCG is a standard *the strictest & highest* in Italian wine making. It means that the wine has passed the stringent evaluation by the tasting committee. In short, it's a guaranteed bottle...and you can't go wrong.
we had dinner at Opus Restaurant at Jalan Bangkung, Bangsar.
Food is 7 out of 10 but ambience definitely scores.....
relaxing and casual place to chill out on a Sunday evening.
Opus is famous for their tiramisu...must have (RM 14)
Back to Gotham City after that..*hic*..

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