Wednesday, August 30, 2006

2 years ago..
I teman-ed u for your *important* job interview,
at a posh hotel in KL,
We got a high time shock when we arrived,
looking at your *competitors* made me so depressed.

Deep in my heart,
you are sooo not gonna make it,
those ppl are like damn damn farking good,
but as your partner,
I made sure you are always well prepared for anything big...
esp on this day.

You've always made me proud,
achieving status and material things,
beyond your age and within your capability,
coz u've worked very hard for it....
and I know you've sacrificed a did I.

with a new career,
you achieved even more,
I can have what I wished for,
go where I wanted to,
do anything I like...just like a princess.
But..where were u?

1 year ago,
you told me to let go everything,
my career and my life,
in the name of *us*
to be with you wherever you fly to,
to take care of everything so you can be more focused in your career.

and so I did,
to be there for you,
always been there for you,
if you only care,
care to see how things drifted,
and we let it happenned....

this year would be different,
and I am glad,
coz I want a happy memory on this date.
no more agony and sadness,
of tears and heartache.

but...I can't take my mind off of you.
I can't take my mind off of you,
even more after you told me,
that you don't find happiness after *us*,
and that you missed me.

I just wished that,
you don't deliver pain again,
on this day....
I want it to be a happy one
Let me have a Happy Merdeka.

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