Monday, October 19, 2015

Hello from France

big wave from France :)))

Apologies that I've been really quiet here. My bad *smack hands*
Work has been full on the last 6 months, ever since I've joined the new company. It's been an incredible journey and still is :))) am really happy and grateful for it.

I've learnt so much, met so many amazing people, and continued to improve myself in every aspect of life. The experience has been enlightening.

and now Monkey is away for a short trip *technically it's still considered short coz it's only 2 weeks* to seek more wonderful experiences, great eats & drinks, unbelievable sights and also all the people we've met along this trip.

We have been really blessed and everything happened for a reason. At the right time, the right place and with the right people. Can't be more thankful especially for the fascinating people we've met whom imparted more knowledge in me.

So please do return to this blog for more stories on our journey, with the hobbits of coz :)))


  1. Anonymous8:53 PM

    your posts are very uplifting, cheers me up a lot during a dull day. please keep posting
    Thank you

  2. Thank you for your comment Anonymous. Am happy to share and to have cheered up your day :))) just made me happier. Have a good day there!!!
