Thursday, May 28, 2015

Ipoh Stadium Food Centre

Wok fried Rice noodle aka beehoon
Where's the noodle??? hahahaha we just lurve the beans sprouts from Ipoh. Fat, juicy and crunchy!!! One can go crazy at this food centre next to the stadium. It has many stalls with a variety of food from malay chinese indian. Not only it's cheap but really good, definitely value for money.

This plate of fried noodle has got such intense breathe of fire....its wok must be melting from the torch of its stove. Hahahahaha really really good and ain't easy to fry beehoon to this dry texture.
If u are not a fan of beehoon, there's always the velvety flat rice noodles aka kuey teow. A raw egg was added in before they serve this for that extra moist and yummmnesss~~~~~the chili sauce was pretty good too!!

The wan tan noodle is very good here too, just that we didn't have any more space to eat...since this was an interlude between our many breakfasts before lunch which was scheduled to start at 12pm sharp.

 something new that we tried this trip - Pork innards soup.

The broth was pretty intense with sourness from the "kiam chye", some julienned ginger. I'm not an innard person but the crispy fried intestines were so good. You can also opt for fish meat if u are not a pork innards person.

Mixed fruits rojak....with thick yummy and stick shrimp paste...very very balanced, enuff of acidity and sweetness.

Finally to quench our thirst after all these sinful food.....something light and refreshing - shaved iced with lemon juice. By that time, it's already 11.45am. Time to head off for lunch....this was not our first breakfast...some of us had dim sum early in the morning...

and this hakka noodle earlier nearby the hotel.

If u are in Ipoh, u should really pay a short visit to this food centre by the stadium. Parking could be difficult, but the food here is good and cheap :)))

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