Tuesday, April 14, 2015

The Nasi Lemak Quest

 *pic sent by Lanatir*

It all started last week, when Monkey received picture montagne from different friends. Every new day, I have a few pics of Nasi Lemak being forwarded to me. Friends were sharing their favourite joints and how they prefer their nasi lemak.

Monkey was in silence, did not contribute much to share for she couldn't have Nasi Lemak, she was extremely busy juggling 2 main events and sales numbers.

okie except on last Monday coz one of her dearest colleague surprised her with warm Nasi Lemak all wrapped in banana leaf. It's really funny how that I am in the beverage industry, I see for the first time *nope not how they drink* but how they ate non-stop in the office. These ppl and colleagues of mine are all foodie. The pantry is fully stocked and will put the convenience store downstairs to shame.

so last week, Monkey sulked it up to all the wonderful pics of Nasi Lemak posted by dearest friends...my nasi lemak...u wait for me ok? I am gonna eat ya!!

Everyone has their own lil favourite, be it the fluffyness and richness of the coconut rice. Or the savoury sweet spicy sambal. It could even be the crispy fried chicken coated with local spices. Or even how it's served, wrapped with banana leaf for its full aroma. Or it could even be how crispy the fried anchovies and groundnuts. With so many elements involved in this local dish, where can we find one that suits best to our personal palate???

that is when, then quest for Nasi Lemak begins in my household. JS decided he will take charge to make everything from scratch himself for maximum quality control and everything will be customised to our own likings.

We prefer our sambal dry with strong belacan taste, sweet and heat level should be balanced. The rice must be fluffy and grainy, hence mixture of different grains are advisable...yes u dun just use normal rice...but a mixture with basmati too. Oh while the fried anchovies must be really really crispy and light minus its oiliness....

Hard-boiled eggs are not so welcomed in our household, so fried eggs will do. Anyway with or without eggs are just fine. To us the main Actor and Actress would be the Sambal + Rice.

the end result - Ta DA!!!!

of a few days of readings through the ingredients compound, texture, flavours to achieve this. JS really did well. The rice was amazingly fluffy with just the right amount of richness fr the coconut. U'll be surprised that the trick is to used boxed coconut cream instead of fresh ones. This is because processed coconut cream has more consistency. Oh well it's processed so.....then there's also coconut water involved.

Sorry it's payback time now friends...now just stare at my plate of homecooked Nasi Lemak!!!! The sambal base paste that JS made could be used to make many other dishes....seen here in this picture is our favourite sambal sotong :))))

u can also fry some fish to go along with it. Best would be selar and kembong. The amount of sambal here was just for illustration purpose, in the end I whacked one bowl of rice with the same amount of sambal...yes exactly one bowl, to be eaten with my japanese cucumbers. :))))

Since it takes quite some preparation to make the sambal base paste which can also be stored in ur fridge/freezer, JS re-use it to make sambal petai last nite.

I know....I am so so blessed. Always :))

Thank you JS for all the hardwork. Now we need to seek another quest for you to conquer :))) hehehehe.

Do you have your favourite nasi lemak stalls/joints? Share with me :)))


  1. JS,what CAN'T you do or cook?! AmazingšŸ‘

  2. Hye Damian.

    Thanks for dropping by.
    its always good to have "projects" for say 1 whole week dedicated to experimenting with say Nasi Lemak and sambal (also depend on mood) until you get it spot on. Then remember to document it and share it with friends. i do refer to recipes in books(Chef Wan) and many informative and inspirational websites :)

    1. Yup, that's a great idea. Anyways, my mom makes a mean sambal petai, she adds on asam paste and the dried chilli must be ground manually. As for the petai, only "petai padi" would do. Harder to find and slightly more expensive, it's smaller but sweet

  3. Hello Damian,

    Oh yes I lurve the tiny rounded sweet petai too!! where to get? So difficult to find!!

    1. I'm from Seremban so we used to buy it from the Seremban market. Have to be careful though cos some stalls do cheat you esp if you can't recognise it! Not sure about kl,but I had a friend who manage to buy some from the TTDI wet market

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