Friday, February 13, 2015

Freshness Burger, Japan

Lime Soda and Ginger Lemon Soda
Mind you, this was at a fast food outlet...and our drinks were merchandised in such a pretty way by the lone ranger cashier who does almost everything. Speaking of multi-tasking yo!!!

Suddenly soda drinks looked healthy again!!! hahahahaha.
It's all in the power of packaging, marketing and looks, of which I would like to bring to your attention on baby-cut carrots. I know this is so random. Baby-cut carrots sold in pretty looking packaging, in uniform size like little soldiers and in the exact pantone color spells ALERT!!! Oh well technically and genetically they are still carrots but have gone through processes .

Interest read on baby-cut carrots *here*

There's different categories of product lines from Freshness Burger. In its Burger line alone, there are Classic Burger which consist of burgers made with 100% real beef

while the hamburger menu has all the burger listed on the cup above....lookin at it made me salivate. One can get so lost while ordering coz obviously u wanted everything....and every single item on its menu. Since this was for brunch, we had to be selective.

Freshness Burger makes all of its burger on the spot upon ur orders. So there's a waiting time....just go and lay ur bums on its comfy chair, and be prepared for a feast while ur burger will be sent up to you once it has gone through a lot of tender loving care~~~~~

Monkey ordered a Spam Burger....Yes u read it right...SPAM meat burget...with eggs. Oh well this was for brunch so I need my eggs.

While Mr. JS decided he prefer the famous classic cheese burger. Can u just stare at that sliced of tomato. Perfect thickly cut sweet japanese tomatoes. The buns were so well prepared too.

I was soooo sooo ready to dig in. Look ma!!! I have a perfectly cut piece of tomato too!!!. The eggs has got such good aroma, with slightly charred sides.

JS's Classic Cheese Burger. He was surprised by the quality of its buns....

JS: "It's brioche bread!!!! such high standard!!"
soft and light....the meat patty was just perfect with the right amount of secret sauce. No additional ketchup nor chili sauce needed.

In fact, at every trip to Japan, we will find some form of excuse to dine at Freshness Burger. Since our lunches and dinners were already fully booked, the only opportunity was breakfast/brunch.

holy moly....
the Spam Burger~~~~~~ with the secret sauce again, and lots of freshly shredded japanese sweet cabbage. The layering matters a lot for the perfect bite. When u sink ur teeth it should deliver that kinda symphony in ur mouth. Hehehehehe

and finally....real actual onion rings from REAL onions. Not from some reconstituted onion powder moulded into rings. Oh well u know which one.

Perfect sweetness and light batter on the outside. Almost like a tempura.

Freshness Burger
....I want thee...
gosh so hungry now looking at Spam Burger!!! If u do go to Japan, pop into any Freshness Burger outlet for supper or snacks. Its burgers are light and small, hence I would call it snacking instead of a full meal. We always walked out from the joint feeling light n non-greasy. Oiiishiiiii!!!!

For more info, visit their website here:

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