Thursday, January 15, 2015

Hotpot for belated Christmas celebration

Not too long ago, in a not so far away land *say in Klang Valley* there live 4 really awesome Roomies. They started out their friendship by errr.... sleeping together? Hahahahaha oh well technically that's true coz we stayed under the same roof and were housemates/roomates to each other in University.

What started out as gruesome semesters in the University bcame months of endless laughters....and passed on to years of even more gruelling exams with even more joy. Those simple few years I called it, bcoz life was so simple then. It went by too quickly before we joined the even more gruesome and cruel world we called Adulthood.

So kids if u are studying, please enjoy your life in your education institution before you join the institution of careers and institution of marriage.

fast forward to 2015, we are still as awesome but with gruesome jokes hahahaha. And Monkey being notti as alwiz......oh yes I live it up to my philosophy!!!!

we congregated for a belated Christmas celebration to exchange gifts and makan....oh wat else? Our gathering must alwiz involve food, even if it doesn't...someone will still bring home-baked produce. Hahahaha. Shows how much we lurve to eat since our uni years....of milo and crackers while burning the midnite oil.....THEM studying for bz firing away with my mouse playing Command and Conquer or some silly strategy management games called Pharoah. Bravo Monkey...this is how u made it through university. Kids, this isn't exemplary at all so please do not follow suit, OK?

that reminded me my roomies also played the other game called SIMS. Do you know which game is this? They were so good at it, that I came home to hear them speaking Sim-ish to each other.

Nee Lee will ask me how was my day with "Kommuns nala?"
Monkey somehow understood and answered her briefly before picking up her stuffs to head out again. Yeah I am hardly at home, except when I need my bed.
then Mee Mee will bid me good bye in Simlish too "deg deg"

I often shake my head in amusement but it was all my fault for introducing them to this game.

the host Mee Mee was bz tasting her chicken and pork bone broth for the hotpot.
Mee Mee: "It's ready!!! we can start to cook now!!!"

there's vegetarian balls, freshly made fishballs, fish paste, toufu, fresh sweet prawns, huge clams, sliced pork, squids, baby corns, sliced onions and carrots to add sweetness to the base broth, Soft toufu, enoki mushrooms and eggs.

The vital ingredients for a wholesome hotpot :))))

and lotsa lotsa veges and mushrooms and more corns!!!

Since there's only 4 for us, we don't really need that much food. And technically speaking most of us are kinda turning into vegetarian, for health and ethical reason. In the end we didn't finish all the food. Don't know since when we turned into such small eaters.

Everyone was delegated to bring some ingredients for the hotpot, so coordination was done to avoid repeats but most of all to harmonise everything for maximum enjoyment :))))))

even chilis oso must have a variety. Wahahahahaha from sambal dried shrimps to homemade vegetarian chili dip by my dad, chili oil and super super spicy chili padi sauce. Not forgetting fried shallots and oil.

Mee Suah, Yee Mee and fried toufu skin. Oh yummssss....u hungry yet? Craving for some homemade hotpot with all ur favourite ingredients?

tsk tsk tsk.....these days the cameras/phone will get to feast on the food first.

So here we were, merry go around the huge island in the kitchen....with all the ingredients in front of us, while the broth was cooking on the stove.

and don't forget our bottle of prosecco!!! Nee Lee opened it and she exclaimed: "This is my first time!!!"

huh first time drinking bubbly?
Nee Lee: "Noooooo...first time opening a bottle of bubbly."
Great job and u did very well, she squealed in delight :)))

While Mee Mee the host was bz with the soup, Nee Lee opened the bottle of bubbly....these 2 useless buggers aka Shell Shell and Monkey ran to one corner, insurance protection in case the bubbly pops with a loud sound and cam-whored. *wefie wefie wefie*
We are the best.....enjoying bubbly in tea cups!!!!!

and cheers!!!!! here Toasting to 2015 and to our friendship :))))))
now how to u say Happy New Year in Simlish language?
and now it's time to cook and makan!!!! woohooooo, dump everything in :)))))))))

the vege went in last :))) would be nice if this pic has got some greenerie innit. While waiting for the entire pot to boil again, we sipped more bubblies yak yak yak luff luff luff.....

Hot HOT HOT!!!!!

chili hot or soup hot?

Monkey: "BOTH!!! OMG I m crying now~~~~"
I never learn from this....alwiz burnt meself while enjoying steamboat. Oh well, I was too hungry that evening. Hahahaha

It's already Thursday, hope everyone had a good week and looking forward to the weekend :))) I have more makans and minums all lined up. What bout you?

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