Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Christmas 2014

*JS quietly snapped this pic while my eyes were transfixed into the screen*

our 7 foot tree which doesn't look that tall. Maybe bcoz it's FAT like Santa. Last year I had a disastrous time doing up our tree coz I'm not the kind of person who lurves to decorate things *oh well maybe except meself*. The tree looked slightly better this year. Boxes of paperbags of gifts were strewn everywhere underneath. It was a mess and both of us were really busy for the entire month of December, travelling and chasing year-end target.

It's been both of our style to purchase things for ourselves during Birthdays and Christmas. Even way before we met each other....JS and Monkey alwiz rewarded themselves on these 2 important occasion. Shows that we lurve ourselves so so so much. Seriously, YOU are the most important person in YOUR own life so love yourself first and take good care of YOURSELF.
JS bought a case of Jacques Selosse for himself, really extremely delicious and rare champagnes with only 55,000 bottles each year. That also if it's a good yield year. Fully biodynamic and Selosse is one of the pioneer in applying this technique into champagne making.
While Monkey got a pair of fiery orangie Tory Burch Miller sandal in comfy leather. It was on sale and I couldn't resist. Hahahah and so this was my xmas pressie for meself :)))

Pardon my pruny ugly feet, must been soaking too long in the bath.

We were waiting for my clients at dinner, when JS took out this box for Monkey. Oh no!!! u shouldn't have!!!!!

 it's soooooo pretty!!!!! the iconic Alhambra necklace in yellow gold with 10 motifs from VCA!!!!
the Vintage Alhambra was first launched in 1960 with its iconic mother of pearl settings and yellow gold beads. I love this so much!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!

Monkey's pressie to Mr. JS was a practical one....a backpack from this season's key must-have accessory, in his favourite design - CAMOUFLAGE. He was packing to go to Japan and borrowed Monkey's backpack so I guess he needed his own esp for his other babies - cameras and gadgets while on the go.

It's reversible in durable nylon and leather so u can change it to any side u wanted. But I guess Camou is still his fav prints and designs.

There were only 3 pieces in Malaysia and they told me to wait for a few more days as Sale will begin in MCM. I couldn't wait just in case....out of the 3, one was already sold when I visited the shop. So what else???? just save the worry if it's sold out and pay full price for this. It's not a risk that I am willing to take esp when there's only 3!!!!

He was so happy with this and quickly re-packed his cameras and gears into this backpack for his Japan trip. It was a company year end trip so Monkey wasn't invited to tag along as a parasite.

hmmm wat happen to the days when u waited until 26th Dec to open ur gifts???

at Miyajima island, even the deer aka messenger of God agreed it's a rather delicious looking bag. Mr. JS didn't realised the deer was kissing and nibbling on his MCM backpack while snapping pic. Hahahahaahahahahahaha.

so tell me wat are the gifts that u've received this christmas? Or u got yourself something really awesome?

On another note, during trying time like this with the great flood in Malaysia. Let us all remember the unfortunate people who were affected and do our utmost best to help them. :))))))


  1. Thank you Swan :)
    Happy New Year to you babe!!!

  2. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Hi Cherry!

    Oh my! you lucky girl! VCA is my favourite jewellery brand, the designs are so intricate and waaaaay more amazing than Tiffany & Co and Cartier. And oh.. their timepieces are so gorgeous too.

    I especially love their VCA Lucky Alhambra collection in 4 motifs. So pretty :)

    Thanks for your super awesome, funny and mouthwatering posts! Keep writing girl...

    May Ng

  3. Hello May,

    Happy New Year!!!
    How have you been? Thank you for dropping by. It's always a pleasure to have readers like you.

    Take care there.

