Friday, July 04, 2014

Dinner at home

My simple humble plate of pasta, cooked with so much passion by my housemate Mr. JS

which turned out to have the most flavourful one I've had for a very long time. Coz you see...Monkey isn't a pasta person, so it has to be REALLY good for my consumption....for All that I believe is, if you gonna put calories into that body of yours, you better MAKE SURE that it's worth it. Else don't even bother.

Afterall JS took good care of the fresh clams, and made sure all of it spat out the sands and impurities, braised the very very semi-cooked pasta in sweet onion and white wine sauce until it's al-dente with a bite. So u see the secret to infuse flavour to pasta is to braise them :)) but before that u need to get pasta that are air-dried carefully and hopefully handmade bcoz it's more porous.

Call me a snob or LCLY but FOOD is really important to me and it's so sacred. Farmers and producers took so much efforts in ensuring the quality and sustainability of their products.....the logistics ppl took so much care in ensuring delivery in proper storage...the supply chain from source to your local grocer to the kitchen. The least any chefs/cooks could do is to pay respect to all these efforts and whip up GREAT food.

I took that to my head and heart and wore it on my sleeve....only after I've dirty-ed my hands with soil, watched my vege grew day by day and off to my stomachs *kakakaka*, went out fishing with REAL FISHERMEN while I was refraining myself from "feeding" the fish with my puke. Trust me seasick ain't no joke especially on a rough condition. Stung my nose with the smelliest chicken poo-poo in the farm. Spoke to the passionate Vinegron *extremely passionate ppl who cultivates vineyard for winemaking* about their soil, the land, the grapes, the roots of the plants, the movement of planets and stars and all the bio-dynamics that affect living things on Earth......

Only after most of the above, I appreciate a lot of things deeply. So the next time you pick up your carrots or onions at the grocer....think about all these :)) but most of all, the hungry kids elsewhere around the world. Food wastage is a serious problem.

So when JS dunk a huge amount of pasta onto my plate which I held out eagerly waiting to be fed, I receive with grace for not only it's extremely superlicious very duper the yummy, but it was cooked with so much love and heart and respect :)))

the next trip, we are planning to visit some farms. Hopefully it will materialised :) Wish us luck :)


  1. Hi Cherry, recently on father's day I attempted this pasta since it's my dad's favourite but it didn't quite hit the mark in terms of flavour. Something felt amiss! If JS is willing to share the recipe, I'll be very grateful! Any advice as to where I can source fresh clams will be appreciated as well! (I got mine from unique seafood the last time)

    Thank you thank you!

  2. Is it the same recipe for the razor clam capelini?
    I have not made that yet due to time constraint, but the beef pie was amazing! Thanks JS for the recipe again

  3. JS is really quite a cook huh, lucky you :-) Can´t wait to read on your farm experience :-)

  4. Elle. Will send you my off the cuff recipe :)) May I have your e mail address please.
    Damian. Principally It's almost the same as the razor clam recipe. Guess cooking shellfish pasta the methods cannot differ too much.

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