Friday, June 13, 2014

Otorii, the Icon of Miyajima Island

the afternoon we arrived at Miyajima Island via ferry, it was raining....but it did not hinder the 2 gaijins aka tourists. When all the other tourists were nowhere to be found, only 2 were seen holding their umbrellas with their cameras propping up on stones capturing beautiful haunting moments like this for their blog readers.

Isn't this so so so beautiful? :)))))
the low clouds and mist....the grey sky...the reflection on the sea.
It was really wet bcoz u can't even see a single wild deer.

Our hostess at the ryokan was surprised that we were heading out right after checking-in with umbrellas and full gears. Me in my rubber jelly slippers. *pik pak pik pak*

and then the rain stopped. Since we were already wet, might as well hang around and enjoy such a beautiful view. It's not like you get to see this everyday in real life right???

the famous Otorii is mentioned as the Three Best Most Celebrated Scenic View in Japan by scholar Hayashi Gaho. Here in this posting, we have documented the Views of the Otorii in all weather condition and time of the day....just for you :)))))))

Early the next morning, the sun rose from the mountain and again the Otorii glowed in its famous Vermilion red. The deers came out to roam again....and flocks of tourists arrived via ferries. Soon this place will be packed with people.

Instead we went off to Hiroshima to return again in the afternoon. :)))

When we came back around 2pm at its low tide....the serene calmness in the morning were gone...tourists were everywhere. Afternoon heat and breeze were felt....

Somehow JS isn't looking as ecstatic as Monkey
that's him, he said all the tourists are disturbing his photography composition. Oh well u did snap many nice pics without tourists at all at such a touristy place. That's considered a feat u know!!!

the Otorii is part of a shrine complex - Itsukshima
registered as UNESCO World Heritage Site, it's definitely a must go for tourists. Even if you are coming here for a few hours, I would recommend that you stay here for at least a night instead of Hiroshima. It's much more beautiful, calmer and there's a lot to do on the island too.

The very first Otorii was built in 1168
the existing one standing tall at 16.6 metres with a whopping weight of 60 tonnes was constructed in 1875.

so my dearie readers...this exact one was already 139 years old!!!! Constructed from Camphor Tree which was already between 500-600 years this gigantic red gate is already half a millenium old!!! My gawd~~~~~

Japanese Tourists were busy throwing coins in hope it will catch in between the grains and hang on there. Not an easy feat though.

We were wondering how did it withstand the years of pollution, erosion, salty sea water and tourists...hahahaha...u could see that the tree trunk isn't round in diameter, it has the natural imperfection.

As we were analysing the wood structure, we found that the wooden part was seated on top of "legs" These legs were made from concrete/cement and stones, which are more hardy and could withstand erosion. On its legs, clams/mussels/oysters/seashells grew bountifully.

After more day activities, sight seeing at other parts of the island and soaking in hot spring onsen, we were back here hogging the best spots like forever. Kakakakakakaka. By now the were less tourists, as most of them have returned back to the mainland.

everyone camped at their spot and waited with patience. Each respecting privacy, space and zen-ness. It was really quiet. Like we were all waiting for something to happen. The only sounds made were the soft waves from the sea and clakking sound from the shutters.

Silly Monkey in her Yukata was too short and tiny, she needed to stand on a slab of stone. Yeah I know...I looked so un-glam...kakaka...but was too lazy to change after my hot bath in the ryokan. 

The sun set so softly

and everyone sighed romantically bcoz it was really so romantic :)))))))
Once the Sun has completely set, everyone looked at each other with a satisfied smiles, knowing that we have all done well, capturing such a beautiful sunset.

Without knowing each other, all of us acknowledged each other and move on. It seems that everyone had a mutual feelings that it was one of the best sunset and to be enjoyed with each other's company was an unspoken joy.

JS was so eppy bcoz this was the highlight of his stay in Miyajima Island.

Monkey has got big bum but can't be compared to Kim K
hahahaha don't think I wanna have that kinda size. Monkey refused to leave bcoz she insisted she wanted to wait until the illumination of the Otorii.

finally it's beautiful :))))
and the rest of the tourists have already left and caught their ferry back to mainland.

Okie, totally worth the wait :))))

U could catch a cruise on a small boat which will pass under the red torri at nite. Only by reservation from your ryokans or tourist information desk.

The next morning, we walked to the other side of the bay to capture a different view of Otorii. So much quieter early in the morning before the loads of tourists arrive...hehehehe

Miyajima Island is just a short 5 minutes ferry ride away from the mainland. From Hiroshima, take the JR Sanyo Line to Miyajimaguchi. Once at the station the ferry pier is just a short walk. There are 2 ferry companies - JR and Matsudai. We took the JR.

Alternatively you could use the speed boat from Hiroshima Peace Park. This one we used to visit Hiroshima.....hahahaha

Once at the island, everything is within walking distance. All ryokans have pickup service upon your arrival in MPVS. We were picked up in a Vellfire by Iwaso. 

For more information on Miyajima, visit:

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