Thursday, June 26, 2014


Did you know that Kota Kinabalu was formally known as Jesselton during the British days? While the local chinese called it Api-Api as in Fire....why yea?

I lurve to watch the sky from the plane. As the plane was flying low ready to land, Monkey was all ready with iPhone to snap snap snap. And we landed just in time for dinner. 

On the plane we were served hi-tea with warm raisin scones...surprisingly the scones were very good. JS refused to eat coz to him airlines food isn't edible at all, maybe except on a few occasion. I know, he's a snob kekekeke but he alwiz said I am a snob instead of him.

How could u ever get bored with such stunning view....the 3 islands sat neatly next to each other. This trip we didn't have the time to visit the islands like wat we alwiz do but it's good enuff just to be able to see them from ashore :)))

I got so burnt from the Sun that my face and nose were all RED
JS found some Ylang Ylang flowers from Eveline's garden and put it on my hair. It smelled so sweet. Later I was told that ylang ylang was one of the ingredients used to make Chanel No. 5

SunSets have been so beautiful every evening....all I could do was to sit there and be mesmerised by it, sipping my iced cold coconut drinks straight from its shell. The clouds looked so soft u feel like u could poke it with your fingers and make cotton candy out of it!!! and the plane had to draw a line right in the middle of it all.......but this view was perfect enuff for me already.

Watching sunset with JS has alwiz been a bliss. Doesn't matter where we are......even from the balcony of our lil home in Saujana :)))

certain days the sunset would be like this.....I think I prefer it more Red and Purplish, but this is also beautiful :)))

 after a short 3 days 2 nites, we bid farewell to Jesselton....too short a trip....but we had to work...hahaha. The above pic is Pulau Gaya taken from the plane *hence the reflection*

I would like to show you 2 different worlds living in that island...
On your left is the illegal settlements of  hundreds and thousands of "tourists without passports"
while on your right, are the beautiful 5 stars villas resort by YTL.

Bye KK or Api or Jesselton for now!!! will see you again in a few months time :)))
I need to get back to my "working" mode soon.
:D heeeeeeeeee

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