Friday, May 23, 2014

Osaka Municipal Wholesale Market

We touched down in Osaka at 7.15am in the morning.....after a 40 mins journey from Kansai Airport to our hotel, we were left with plenty of time for the day. So wat can you do sooooo early in the morning apart from visiting the market? hehehehe. 

Before that, we needed some caffeine first coz Coffee in MAS sucks....except the Nasi Lemak was a wooohooooo :D:D:D sorry I am a sucker for nasi lemak :))))

Starbucks in Japan is about Malaysia's price. Actually it's the same -_-" but of coz they have more variety. To make it clear, we are not really suckers for starbucks *ok they serve decent coffee* but coffee in JAPAN is TOOOOOOO MILD to our starbucks is the only place that serve standard coffee.

Fishmarkets are such gruesome place.....
hahahaha but JS lurves it. He's a man of darkness.....beware......
the "operating table"
jeng jeng be a good gal or.......~~~~~~~~~~

"body parts"
after this u will never look at ur sushi/sashimi the same way.

Gulped....and this is for sale...

the boney parts....

Now on to happier and yummy stuffs like Uni/ sea urchin!!!!
there's so many of different grades different colors from different prefectures different seas.

all the glorious fish caught a few hours ago....
most of them were for exports while these on display were for local consumption.

This is not just any fish market but a center of pricing and distribution for all the fresh produce - fruits, vegetables, meat and marine products. The market is operated by the local government to maintain a fair price and system accordingly to the Wholesale Market Law. Yeah even this they have got a law.

GAHHH I need my head back!!! the neck were cut this way to bleed the fish.

Soon the fragrant of fish being grilled brought us closer to this man...

Torch them torch them~~~~ burn baby burn

Tuna head for sale!!!

I supposed this part is to be discard??

was really surprised that the entire market is so clean, no smell at all...oh well shouldn't be surprised coz Tsukiji was the same as well. Osaka wholesale market is really huge as well, we didn't even visit the vegetables and dry produce section. Was walking around here for an hour.

Taukeh bz tabulating on the calculator

I can't read but these are sure kelps used in the soup. The dry produce section has got a lot on sale. Since we still have plenty of stocks from the previous trip, we didn't purchase anything from this market.

Monkey was trying her might to lift these to the dismay of JS. Very heavy and I think if JS feed me with some really yummy sushi I *might* be able to lift this cart up.

by 10am our stomachs were kluuu kluuu kluuu playing Symphony No. 5 by Beethoven and it's time to eat...wat to eat in the market this early??? Oh don't worry...there's plenty of sushi restaurants around the corner. Will blog bout that after this :)))

Read about our visits to Tsukiji Market here:

Part 1
Part 2

Osaka Municipal Wholesale Market

1-1-86, Noda, Fukushima-ku

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