Monday, May 19, 2014

One of the Best vacation by far :)))

Sunset at Miyajima overlooking Otorii gate - taken by JS using Leica M *I dunno which lens though*

There's been many many vacation many many experiences but by far this is the Best. In fact, everytime I said that after the end of a vacation "THE THIS THE BEST VACATION EVER"
and the next one would alwiz be better, best-est and so on.

So we alwiz strive to have more quality experiences and new finds :)))

Monkey and her stash

hehehehehehe....old habits die hard. Monkey is a junkie food lover. Ever since she's staying with Mr. JS the chance of having a piece of cookie at home is so difficult. Not to mention Coke. There's isn't any processed food at home. >.<

imagine when u are hungry...there's no instant noodles, there's no biscuits *unless we bake our own* and no soda drinks except pure aerated mineral water.

So when Monkey was let loose in Japan, she went wild. To my surprise Mr. JS went crazy too queueing up for almost 30 mins *which is so rare* for Echire butter cookies. It's only in Japan u get all these limited editions stuffs.

Now that we are back, do wait for more updates on our lil short 9 days trip to Central and South Honshu of Japan :)))))

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