Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Iwaso Ryokan, Miyajima Island

All the maple trees were standing GREEN in spring. Can u imagine how beautiful this would be during autumn with all the brown and red foliage??? I would think it's so so so beautiful, shrouded in crimson red during autumn :)))

oh well, but we were here in Spring so....just close ur eyes and imagine....hahahahaha

The beautiful red bridge at Momijidani Park

Iwaso is short for Iwakuniya Sobei, the founder of this ryokan. He built this bridge across the Momiji River for visitors to enjoy the beautiful surroundings while having tea. Soon the number of visitors were so overwhelming that he opened up this ryokan. That was after the Meiji area. :)))

A shrine at Momiji Park

We were led to our cottage by our room attendant in kimono and high slippers. Trust me she could walk faster in that than us while carrying our luggages...I don't know how japanese women do it.

Room attendant: "Please allow me to carry your handbag." 
She was already carrying 2 cabin size could I????
Monkey: "No no no it's OK."
Room attendant: "No, you are my guests, please..."
soon might attendant took us up on the hill slope, away from the main building after our check-in with ALL of our stuffs, camera bags, luggages, and my hand carry bag loaded with hobbits screaming yeaaaaa

There are 5 cottages in total, built in between 1924 and 1952. Everything was well preserved the way it was and they have been working really hard to maintain this.

JS was pretty ecstatic bcoz he LOVES to stay with history -_-"
It would be a surreal experience for Monkey as well bcoz most of the time we stayed at modern ryokan.

Japanese taught us to remove our shoes orderly ALL THE TIME. Now we practice this at's been a few months already. Let's see how long this new habit of ours can last. Kakakakakaka.

As usual most ryokans in Japan are very attentive. They would already have obtained your shoes size, apparel size for your yukata and most of all dietary requirements. JS has been famously known as the no chicken no duck no goose guest. It has been quite painful for Chefs as well bcoz he took the effort to remove chicken from ALL OF HIS BROTH. Yes Japanese are that attentive.

After the main entrance, there were 2 more sliding doors before leading to our main tatami room. The view was so so so stunning.

Monkey: "Look JS we get the view of the Momiji River!!!!"
JS: "Yes we must go down there later."

and so JS left Monkey alone to absorb the calmness and beauty of nature...while he went around roaming inside our cottage. It's a HUGE cottage I tell u.

Most of the parts were made from wood and bamboo...this is like the sinks for us to wash our hands. The towel rack/hanger was also made from bamboo. We have 2 units of this inside our cottage...
There were also 2 units of lavatory. Good one for Monkey one for JS so both don't have to fight for it. Japanese lurve their automated toilet. I only love their heated comfy seats :)))))))))))
Then there's an extension with a modern bath. I don't really know how many sinks do we need? :)))))))))
Maybe the hobbits need one too.
The fun about staying in a ryokan is their natural hot spring bath. Be it the outdoor type, the communal type or a private one inside your unit. The smell of cedar wood is just so soothing. I lurve my onsen....just soaking there doin nothing...but our best onsen experience was at Takefue *read about it here*
As JS was bz roaming the cottage, he found another room....and he rushed back to Monkey.
JS: "Is this 2 units or one?"
Monkey: "I've only booked one...why would I book 2 unless we are having a slumber party?"
JS: "There's another unit attached exactly like ours."

Yea there was another unit which mirrored the one that we got in. No wonder there's 2 toilets with 2 sinks. Because technically there's 2 attached units.

Later after much clarification we found out this unit is also ours. WAHHHH that's a huge cottage then. This would be where we will have all our meals while the other one is more meant for sleeping. This is something new bcoz by far, all the ryokans we have stayed utilise the same tatami room for sleeping and dining.
Just like the unit that we got into, it has a verandah for u to enjoy the view.
Please dun mind the mess.....we just dumped everything from maps to tissues and went around our cottage. We were asked to be seated again for our tea ceremony. Usually when u arrived at a ryokan, there will be a simple tea ceremony. You will also be served with their signature sweets/desserts at the same time, to complement the flavour and taste of the signature tea. Then your room attendant will explain and brief all the needs/facilities and assist you in anyway he/she could..

But u know us...we were too busy and too excited even though this wasn't the first ryokan stay. Like kindergarten kids we were exploring and touching everything to the dismay of our room attendant.

-_-" she must be thinking...and tsk tsk tsk-ing...TOURISTS!!!

We didn't finish our tea nor touch the dessert and zoom off like the cartoon Roadrunner
Beep Beep~~~~

I'm the Road Runner and JS the Wile Coyote

I'm not kidding when I said I'm the road runner....even the camera shutter speed is slower than my feet
Beep Beep~~~~~

Hey JS look!!!! we should have picnic over here :)))))))))))
we walked up this beautiful Momiji River

and there our cottage is just up there :)))))))))))))

It's really good to be with mother nature :))))
There will be more posting on our dinner and breakfast at this ryokan, so do wait for it.

Iwaso Ryokan
Momijidani Miyajimacho
Hatsukaichi City,
Hiroshima, Japan.

Tel: 082 944 2233

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