Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Bern - UNESCO World Heritage Site

Bern is the Capital City of Switzerland....yeah and not Zurich. Ranked in the top 10 for having the best quality of life. Just a short train ride *bout 50 minutes* from where I was stationed for work....Monkey finally decided it's about time to visit Bern

*pic stolen from the web*
Bern isn't that big and it's a very historical medieval-liked town. Very easy to navigate on foot for a few hours.

 It was the beginning of spring and flowers were blooming everywhere, from the garden to the lawn

Spring Blossoms!!!
I sent this pic to JS and he commented it's a Sakura Palsu *fake Sakuras*

it's not a sakura tree!!!! but it's sure beautiful and wat a feast to my eyes. :))) I should sooooo plan for a sakura viewing visit to Japan next time. Provided I am not travelling for work at this period.

Swiss Parliament Building
with a cart in front selling cheese. I was very lucky because it was a Tuesday morning and there was a weekly market that sells fruits, vegetables, fresh produce, flowers and food. It was a sight, smells, colors, noise galore for monkey. This weekly market operates every Tuesday and Saturday.

Next is the tallest cathedral in Switzerland - Bern Minster
Built in 1421 it's pretty gothic looking

its 330ft tower was under restoration work but you can still climb it *from the inside of coz* I didn't do the climb bcoz I was a tad too lazy to scale up....esp having to worked in my heels at my exhibition booth for the last one week I think I had enuff of climbing.
One of the most beautiful Last Judgement works I've ever seen in Europe. My little iPhone could only capture this much. There's more statues on the door and the walls.

 the beautiful stained glass on the inside

When Monkey looked intricate vaulted ceiling that looked like lil buttons attached to a beautiful laced dress. Such an I wanna get a dress like this with colored buttons :)))

a little fountain at the Munsterplatz...right outside Bern Munster/Minster
Munster = Monastery

Monkey then walked down cobbled street, crossed the arch bridge to visit the Bear Park. Yes Bear Park!!!! then I realised...Bear should be here :"(((
but Bear was at home and JS had been working hard taking care of all my hobbits. By the way JS kept reminded me that this soft toy is a dog and not a Bear...I know..... but I had him since I was less than one year old and been calling him "Bear" so he's a confused Bear...hahahahaha
The Bear Park is just next to the Aare River.....I was looking high and low for the bear....then I saw that grizzly huge fat chubby one bitting some log while all the human beings were goin in awe with shutters clicking none-stop.
Oh there u are!!!!! The bear has got its own pool to swim. Again I was lucky to see it bcoz sometimes it may just hide/hibernate inside the cave. Oh well the weather was so beautiful that day, even the bear wanna come out to play.
the name Bern was created after the founder of Bern said he will name this place after the first animal that he hunted/killed. And he killed a poor bear!!!!!

From that day onwards, it's quite normal for the locals to keep bears inside a bear pit...SPCA said it's too depressing to have bear pit and created a much more lovelier environment like this for this Grizzly Bear.
Now the Bear Pit is still there but for display purpose. I went down and walked around its small felt so claustrophobic and really depressing. I don't wanna be inside here!!!! ouch now I really do feel how animals felt in the Zoo. :"((

the Bern Town House, built in 1414
Next to the town house, St. Peter and Paul church. 
"Hurry up owner!!!"
this is the case of the dog walking the owner
yeah u must be wondering wat is this pic doin here?
All these soft cuddly toys made me missed my hobbits even  more!!!

This pic was taken from Albert Einstein's apartment, and this was the very same cradle he used for his sons. The apartment was situated at the main street and Mr. smart genius Einstein stayed here during his very most important years where his Theory of Relativity was conceived.

Then it's time to hurry up to watch the clock work - Zytglogge
the most prominent feature in Bern, the clock work. It's a very old clock dated from 1218. When the hour strike is the most jovial time for all :))) There's lil cute bears on it churned by the movements, goin round. Monkey was luffing in glee

Bern is such a lovely historical city and I am glad I took time off to go sight-seeing :))))
If you would like to find out more about this city, log onto:

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