Thursday, March 20, 2014

Post-operation Hi Tea

Mee Mee was hospitalised for an emergency. Seen here in this pic, she looked good and well but it was quite a pretend. Of coz it's painful and stressful and everything grey when u are in hospital. What's more when the doctor declared it an emergency and u had to be in the operating theatre the very same day.

It happened too fast and the Roomies were worried sick until dearie Teofu announced that all was good and she was sleeping soundly after the operation. Phewwww!!!!

The Roomies visited Mee Mee at her home after a few days....and we just can't gather together without the sight of FOOD, and we had to BRING FOOD wuahahahahaha.

Since it's an afternoon hi-tea for the tamchiak ladies, Monkey brought all the yummy goodies of fried yu tiau, malacca onde onde, ang ku kueh, Kuih jagung, kuih lapis, cream puffs, curry puffs and fried sesame balls. It was such a galore!!!

we actually forgot to ask the patient wat can she and cannot eat post operation.
-_-" that shows how greedy and tamchiak we were....esp me...coz I bought them >.<
Nee Lee oso brought pipping hot curry puffs near her home...
then all of us were busy whipping up some good old town roasted coffee, milo, milk tea to go with all these yummy goodies.

Poor patient aka Mee Mee was staring at all the food and asked if she can even drink coffee :P
Pic time before we indulge!!!
not pic of us but of the food!!!! hahahahaha

Monkey oso prepared some fruits skewers of kiwi and dragon fruits
The kiwi was...oh my......sour beyond description

it's all written on Shell Shell's face.....sourness beyond fact need not any description. Bahahahaha.

Most of the stuffs were bought from Nyonya Colors and I Love You Tiao.

My favourite has to be the yu tiao dunked in old town coffee :))))) hehehehehe...yummsss!!!

For more info on Nyonya colors:

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