Monday, September 09, 2013

Burger Partay

My Candy Red Apple KitchenAid now has other usage apart from baking...hehehehehe....Earlier this year, Monkey bought JS a grinder attachment for his experiment. KitchenAid has got plenty of other attachment from Sausage to Pasta maker. But JS already has got a standalone outstanding Airbus A380-liked pasta it only makes sense to get something that he doesn't have.

The process begins with procuring high quality Australian Wagyu and Grass Fed Angus beef. Cubed the meat and dump everything into the grinder. I think he added some light salt and pepper. Monkey has got a really important task catch all the meat that came outta its opening. JS precisely needed it to be lay on the tray according to its grain pattern...-_-"

His explanation that when u sink ur teeth into the meat patty, it crumbles in ur mouth.

nothing crumbled at that moment but my stomach was rumbling at the sight of raw meat :P

roll them up like this and keep them refrigerated. The rolling process was pretty simple, u don't even touch the log....just hold both ends of the cling wrap and swing!!!!!! till it become a log like this. Strong arms required I guess :P

Once the meat log has been refrigerated over nite, it's time to cut them
U can actually see the portion of Angus vs Wagyu. And now I understand what he meant by "grains"

ok ok ok

bcoz burger alone won't be sufficient to feed all our guinea pigs guests that afternoon, JS also prepared Roast Pork which has been air-dried in the fridge for 3 days, sous-vide-ed for 6 hours in his another Airbus A380 machine.

actually we got all the calculation wrong....despite all the burgers and 2 huge slabs of Roast Pork, they weren't enuff to feed the guinea pigs. Told ya this group can damn eat!!!!

there are a few items to be prepared for the burger condiments. JS taught Monkey that morning on slicing onions in an exact angle with the position of the knife so that every single slice is the same precise to the millimetres.

"Eh JS, there's an invention called the Mandoline"
Monkey then arrogrant-ly slice perfect pieces of Red Radish into her salad
JS -_-"

Yes I's useless to teach Monkey anything. She's too stubborn and has her ways of doing things.

Caramelized onions!!!!

Bacons is a must have!!! hahahahaha

Buns were also heated up with a touch of French Butter.

Soon all the Guinea Pigs...I mean guests arrived and JS started his MEAN fire hahahahaha
oh yes his stove is another A380 machine...bahahahahaha.
with 6 gas burners, and 2 ovens at the bottom. There's so many knobs there I dare not touch anything :P

JS wanted the Meat Patties to be this thick, bcoz it will shrink as it cooks.

Monkey's task were pretty simple....set the table up...bring the food out. Slice some tomatoes, prepare a salad.

There's 2 selection of meat patties...with Gruyere cheese or without.
Anyhow JS was pretty disappointed with the done-ness of his burger patties....

He actually unconsciously let one of the guests cooked!!!!

and it was over-cooked!!!! Hahahahaha poor JS, he pouted his lips after that :P
hahahahahahahaha He never lets me into his kitchen when he cooks, dunno wat happen that day :P

Wagyu + Beef patty
Caramelized Onions
fresh crispy iceberg lettuce
gruyere cheese
greasy bacon
drizzle with a lot of Heston Blumenthal's Burger sauce. Yup JS made a special sauce fr Heston's recipe.

heavenly....despite the overcooked meat. Hahahahahaha.

While we were bz sinking our teeth into the succulent Burger....the Roast Pork was ready in the oven too...JS has got such precision when it comes to time management. Oh well engineer will alwiz be engineer.

My humble salad with roasted sesame dressing. It was tangy with good balance of acid to accompany the Roast Pork.

Roast Pork was so so so so yummy!!!
Mr. JS this one u don't need to experiment anymore, U have mastered and perfected it already!!!!
But if u insist to roast them again.....anytime is welcomed. Hahahahaha.

JS puts Monkey to head the Salad and Desserts department all the time....not to mention the cleaning and washing department too. Bahahahahaha.

simple Cream Tarts with Classic French Vanilla Cream, topped with berries...

because I know this group of Guinea Pigs can damn eat, I prepared 2 desserts!!! bahahahaha. Thomas Keller's Devil's Food cake.

Guinea Pigs said it looked so Christmas-sie....oh well that gives me an idea...I will make this for Christmas then. JS said, I can re-work on my cake-deco skills....which is so elementary and kindergarten. >.<

oh well his dearie mom can bake and decorate 9 tier-ed wedding cakes perfectly. So......>.<

Guinea Pigs all went home eppy, Host and Hostess also very eappy coz all the food were gone....from the burger patties to the 2 slabs of Roast Pork and the entire cake!!! All for 8 people....hahahahaha.

Next round Nasi Briyani. You may now submit your names to be selected as JS's guinea pigs :P


  1. such precision down right to the grains... I know its logical but just never thought of it! since chefs are also known to be scientific, now we can also say that engineering chefs is also on its way to stardom!! Kudos to JS...

    still have yet to make his roast pork recipe... but I ll continue drooling anyway...

    *submitting my hands & legs to be his guinea pig anytime... lol

  2. Hye food dreams. Long time no chat. Thanks for dropping by and the compliments. I think sometimes we should free our minds and forget about recipes and just go with logic. Seems to work for me most of the time :))
    Actually those were not guinea pigs......they were piranhas!! Haha :))))

  3. Piranhas!!! Bahahahahahahah!!!!

  4. lol... piranhas... I m gonna use this from now on... no more guinea pigs... muahahahahaha
