Monday, September 23, 2013

Biryani Birthday Dinner

The numerous spices used to prepare Biryani. Note the beautiful orange Nutmeg flowers. It's not really flower as in flowers but the Mace of the fruit/seed itself. According to JS it's one of the key spice ingredients in Biryani.

He obtained this awesome recipe from his ever reliable source, a certain Si Fu who hates to be mentioned here. Apparently I do have a huge followers here, bcoz of his fans base. -_-"

Anyway JS did a test run Biryani 2 weeks ago prior to this actual dinner for the guinea pigs gang. JS no longer calls them cute fluffy guinea pigs....they are now officially known as Piranhas with sharp jagged teeth >.< *ouch*

beautiful and prized Saffron procured from our previous trip to Spain
I used them like tic tacs in watever I want to the horror of JS

JS: "Do u have any idea how much that cost???? u just need a few sprigs...not a spoonful!!!!!"
errrr oh ya kah???? sowwyy~~~~~

Semi-aged Basmati rice
he said it has to be AGED!!!! and this was only SEMI....not perfect enuff.

Do u have any idea how it is to live with a perfectionist who also happens to be an engineer with precision??? Thank goodness he doesn't have OCD.......but I have and I damn can blarddy nag 9 streets long. Now we totally understand why no family members wanna stay/be with both of us. It's a disastrous combo.

essentials in Indian cuisine - clarified butter

Homemade bread/roti
I didn't know JS can make these...from was his first attempt

JS: "Can I borrow some of your flour?"
Monkey: "tssskkkk wat are u making? becareful!!! and don't dip ur hands into the jar, pls use a proper scoop."

as he was bz dusting the counter top, rolling a dough...
"wat are u making?"
JS: "bread...for tonite."

BREAD???? O.O as in B.R.E.A.D.

YS and Beautiful CS
since it's a Biryani dinner, everyone was supposed to turn up in Indian theme.....but epic fail. Moral of the story is....Guinea Pigs/Piranhas don't follow instructions.
caramelised onions were used generously for the Biryani. JS was having a hard time slicing dicing preparing so much of onions.

"Oh don't cry baby, I am sure my friends will love your Biryani"
JS -_-".......then T_T

Birthday Boy Brian and Sally Betty *her new nick*, she was supposed to turn up in a Betty Boo costume...but...oh well.......that nite she wanted to dig out my eyes to put back into my bitchy mouth :P

Birthday Boy looking youthful and effortlessly glorious....we need to dig.......his secrets....wat is his fountain of youth?!?!?!!?!

There wasn't much at the florist that morning....only gerberas and some miserable orchids and unopened lilies. So this was wat we got that sad...

my job was pretty simple that evening.....prepare some tomatoes salsa

cucumber raita which can be better....not intense enough bcoz I used the wrong yogurt -_-"

Mangos salsa wasn't too bad, but can be better...
anyway the star was Biryani so I didn't want to outshine Mr. JS

anyway no matter how hard I tried, I'll never be able to....

coz simple stuffs like this onion chutney prepared by JS was so so so awesome!!!!

it looked so sloppy but I can concur that it was the best Lamb Biryani in Malaysia. Sorry lar I don't think u can outperform Hyderabad Biryani......hehehehehe.

the lamb melted in the mouth, with really good texture. Such intensity of spices....the basmati rice was just cooked to the right texture....silence ensued the dining hall...u know it's AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME.

I wanted to give Chef a standing ovation bcoz this was only his 2nd attempt but he opened his mouth to say, it can be better!!!!
O.O wat?????? wat else do u wanna improve on? Maybe the presentation la....kakakakaka

Dr. Epicurean who came early and Monkey were holding their respective champagne glasses watching Chef JS painstakingly prepared this dish...layers after layers of rice, lamb curry, saffron milk were being assembled....before the baking process. Yea so much of work and yet both of us stood there enjoying our bubblies and commenting on the difficulty level in getting the right texture, temperature and cooking duration. Macam lah food experts...prollie Dr. Epicurean is but not Monkey.

the final presentation....opps forgot about Pappadum pics....Birthday Boy Brian bought a huge pack and were gone in a few minutes. Told ya Piranhas have got jagged teeth that chomps reallllll fast.

the royal doulton baking tray was soon emptied. So yummy :)))))))))) and everyone soon sanked back to their comfy chairs after the feeding frenzy. Inclusive of those who doesn't consume carbs....

Chicken Dopiaza then made its way to the table.....and feeding frenzy continued.
chomp chomp chomp nom nom nom

The homemade bread/roti to accompany the Chicken Dopiaza.
Most of the guests enquired for the recipe bcoz it's so simple and so yummy :))))

simple palate cleanser of Watermelon Vodka granita
very untidy "plating" coz we were rushing....esp working with "ice"
Monkey scooped, JS grated lime zest over
from the freezer straight to the tummy....hahahahahaha

Shy Chatwin and Sexay Back Maggie....congratulations on ur big tummy...
nope she's NOT pregnant....or maybe she is...with FOOD of coz!!!!

then there's more FOOD
beef for those Carnivores

Basically there's only 2 carnivores on the table
they were just passing the beef to each other all the time....
one for you, one for me, one for you one for me

still passing beef around among the 2 carnivores

:P hahahahahaha

Sally Betty said she will give face and took a piece :P

Birthday Boy Brian was so happy
I guess his fountain of youth is to stay happy alwiz no matter wat. For someone a decade older than me and to look this seriously RARE. All of us must learn something from Brian :)

Sally Betty, Beautiful CS, Birthday Boy Brian, Sexay Back Maggie and Monkey

Dr. Epicurean, Chef JS, Shy Chatwin, YS with Birthday Boy Brian
Then the gentlemen wanted a group pic too....or more like we forced them to!!!

Brian will alwiz be Forever 21 :))))))))))))

Since I didn't have time to learn a new cake, so here u go again - Devil's Food Choco Cake. There's more birthday coming up, I better hurry up and learn more new cakes!!!!

Karaoke session.....I promised I will practice more OK. blame it one the alcos.
They were singing Tong Hua by Michael Wong. I don't know any chinese but it's really a beautiful song.

7 bottles for 9 2 tiny bottles of beer.
Thank you for the wines JS and Dr. Epicurean.

Thank you Chef JS for the awesome Biryani
so so awesome, he's hosting it another round for the "registered" guinea pigs :P
now we need to think of another dinner for this group of Piranhas.

Happy Birthday Brian Boy
May your life be showered with lots of love like this alwiz :))
Hope you've enjoyed the evening as much as all of us did


  1. the briyani looks fab! so does the bread... gonna need that bread & briyani recipe pls JS... :)

    Cherry, you are just so farny... especially that part about the two carnivores passing to each other that platter... lol.... lovely party leh as usual.. and yes, bday boy looks really young man!

  2. You and JS should make friends soon. Then both of u can cook for each other, experimenting with each other's recipe. At the same time I can be both of your guinea pigs...good arrangement? agree?

  3. Hue food dreams. The recipe will be on the way to you soon :))
