Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Or Tor Kor Market, Bangkok *Part 1*

A chinese family from overseas all decked in the same polo shirts in diff sizes on their way to somewhere?? coz I noticed there was an orange cabin size luggage bag with them. Must be shopping. HAHAHAHAHA.

Foodie Friends have highly recommended this market for its cleanliness. Really really extremely clean and airy with no wat-sort-of-smell. It is also quite upmarket, spells expensive for local Thai. Situated next to Chatuchak it was something quite taken for granted sometimes.

Anyway Monkey has never been to Chatuchak....hahahahaha. :P
No I don't like sweaty hot smellie crowded places so spare me~~~~even if I have to go to platinum mall, it has to be early in the morning or on the weekdays. Don't like to fight with other shoppers for size, designs, colors and pushed around with each other.

I wanted a pic with *him*
so so so good looking :P

Thais are really vain ppl, they lurve beauty products. Everywhere I go to there's so many advertisements and billboards shouting and screaming BUY ME I AM GONNA MAKE U LOOK SO GOOD
from whitening cream, to tonnes of shampoo commercials that gonna blow ur hair and mind, to this prune drinks that will make ur skin glows. JS said this is an advertisement country. Yea indeed it is.

We took the BTS Sky Train to reach this market. My advise is to alight at Saphan Kwai, one station before Mo Chit. Mo Chit is the last station of the line and Chatuchak is just walking distance away.

the die die must try here is the Duck stew rice/noodle. We didn't have it bcoz JS isn't a fowl person. Think he can still consume chicken forcefully but not duck....too gamey for him.

It's a very teochew style duck with soft succulent tender meat with a choice of rice or noodle. Dip them in thai fish sauce chilli sauce....ahhhh u are in heaven :))))

I was so interested at this Thai lady preparing the raw papaya salad known as som tum. There is so many varieties being served in Thailand as compared to homeground. U'll have a choice of som tum with different ingredients and toppings...from fermented ugly looking.....really really ugly looking black crustaceans which were fermented with u don't wanna know, but tasted so yummy.

u'll wonder why are its juice brown in color...hahaha
yea secret sauce from those fermented stuffs....it tasted so yummy...really acquired taste. Just like cincaluk...it's either u love it or hate it.

Minced pork cooked with Stink Beans *known as Petai* topped with crispy shrimps in spicy chilli oil. U can taste the strong aroma of kaffir lime leaves used in here.

Sawadee Kaa Petai Seller....wake up!! I need some Petais here :))))))))
They sell them in bundles or in prepared-format....life is so much easier when ingredients were prepared like this.

There's so many stalls like this, selling gazillion of dishes for u to choose from. It's impossible to eat here at all!!! I dunno where to begin and wat to have.
GAH!!!! life is about making choices and I had to choose items that I wanna put calories into my body.

ohhhhh~~~~~~ this one was so good looking and yummy. Not to be mistaken as dim sum. It's called Kanom Bak Moh. According to JS.....it's:
Kanom = biscuit/kuih
Bak = Mouth

Moh = Pot
WHY???? HOW???????

JS then brought the City Slicker Monkey to watch...
the mouth of the pot were created this way...with steam coming out into 3 holes prepared with cloth. Spoonful of batter mixture of flour and coconut were poured on top to create a really thin layer of "skin". Once he has covered it, he will prepare the next "mouth"

Then a small dollop of sweet pork with spices were put on top....he then skillfully wrapp the kanom quickly....have to be quick!! it's so hot!!!!
In a flash, he then transferred the delicate soft really thin skin kanom into the banana leaf. All ready to be packed to go!!!! The banana leaves were oiled for easier removal and that the Kanoms won't stick on it.
topped with fried shallots....to be eaten with red eye chillis. No sauce were needed. The fillings was so flavourful with the really thin and delicate skin. The chillis almost killed me, but it's so so so good. Can't remember how many packs of chilis we've consumed in Bangkok.

The Fry-Fry stall of fried chicken, fish, prawns and fried roast pork

it's salty and meant to be snacks. Thais lurve it so much. If u expect it to taste like Roast Pork then u will be disappointed for its texture is dry. U should expect eating them and popping it like Pop Corns...then u'll be really happy...for it makes one helluva Pork-corns. *minus the corn*

One must not miss any kuey-teow pork/beef broth in Thailand. It looked so innocent and normal right...but be prepared to inflame ur lips. I believe the stock was pretty more complicated than it looks bcoz it has got a very deep dimensional taste. The burnt green chillis, freshness from coriander seeds, richness from the pork/beef stock and shitload of spices.

After Monkey has said her prayers and done her duty snapping pics, she was preparing to attack this bowl of yummy goodness with greed.....suddenly a Singaporean lady came and "attack" Monkey...hahahaha..
Singaporean: "Excuse me...where did u get this bowl of noodles??!???!?!"
Monkey pointed to the exact stall
Singaporean: "Oh thank you thank you!!!" and skipped happily to the intended stall.

This market is full of tourist man...no wonder the price is slightly more expensive than the "local" local market

Thai alphabet system of OTK
no no it's not AMN....it's OTK HAHAHAHA confused? hahahahaha
Don't ask me, ask JS

anyway as posted earlier....Thais add "or" in their pronunciation of alphabet. Example:
GTM = short for Grung Thep Mahanakorn (the name of their city in Thai that made it to the Guinness book of records for the longest name*
so it's pronounced as Gor Tor Mor instead of GTM

and Or Tor Kor market is.....OTK
so if u walk around asking for direction of OTK market...no one will understand u...
just tell them Or Tor Kor Market.

JS: "Monkey u still wanna chomp chomp nom nom?"
Monkey >.< can't take anymore food...too much!!!!

JS: "I saw ur favourite pork knuckles over there!!!"
Monkey >.<" kenot liao....

JS: "And there's dessert of Thab Tim Grob, ur fav!!!!"
WAHHHHH there's a lot of red rubies there....water chestnut wrapped in pink jellies~~~~ yumms~~~

or fancy some Thai pancakes???

just too much to eat...my advise is come empty stomach and with many many friends...so everyone takes a bite and move on to the next tasting portion.

This Market has got everything form Meat to vege, cooked food and food court. We were only at the food court...watch out for the next posting of its market which I've enjoyed really much. The food court here is just like any other food court in Bangkok selling shitloads of food. Thai food is pretty standard, everywhere u go to, it's sure to be really yummy. Never once that we had bad Thai food in Bangkok...hahahaha. I guess they are good in doin the balancing act of Sourness, Spiciness, Saltiness, Sweetness and bitterness. :)))))))

Enjoy drooling~~~~~
go wipe ur mouth now.

Or Tor Kor Market
2 ways to come here...
1) BTS Sky Trains Sukhumvit Line - Saphan Kwai station and walk about 5 minutes
2) MRT Route - Kamphaeng Phet station, and cross the road near to Chatuchak

Anyway whichever way....depends on the origin of ur destination. If BTS is convenient take it!!! :))))
but I like to believe, where there's a will there's a way, esp to one's stomach!! wuahahahaha.


  1. I oso like Thab Tim Grob dessert!
    I agreed on this --> "Everywhere I go to there's so many advertisements and billboards shouting and screaming BUY ME I AM GONNA MAKE U LOOK SO GOOD" :-p

  2. Both of us should move to Thailand hahahaha

  3. Me too.. count me in when moving to Thailand... lol
