Friday, August 02, 2013

Dr Epicurean Birthday Dinner

the Birthday Boy....rushed from the operation theatre, had a quick shower andhis hair was still messy bcoz he had to wear the surgery cap the whole day.

I do not know how this man does 10 operations, consults 50 patients, and 5-6 cases of smaller surgery of eyes lasers each day....EVERY DAY...7 days a week!!!!!

maybe that's why he's still the most eligible bachelor in town
coz he doesn't have time for anything else...other than Surgeries and his beloved Wines!!!

Dr. Epicurean usually host a month long birthday dinners during this time of the year.....of different group of friends and associates. Since JS and Monkey won't be around next week, we were made to gate-crash this partay of another group of friends :)))) We were extremely honored to be invited. esp this group of serious wine connoisseurs.

Mr. K was the first to arrived before us and traffic was terrific that particular day. He almost thought his driver will have to "break fast" inside the car. So was I, but all of us were wrong......we were almost early by 45 minutes. Hiak Hiak Hiak.

Mr. K declared first that he's not gonna drink a lot bcoz he's not feeling too well but never speak too soon, bcoz it was him who asked for 2nd round that evening ....hahahahaha.

I do admire his perseverance and commitment in building his empire. Today his empire is the world largest in his industry. Always a treat to chat with Mr. K bcoz I've learnt a lot from him.

"So Miss Monkey, u've alwiz interviewed me on this issue...when are you gonna start your empire?"
hehehehehehe. After learning your story Mr. K......I think I will stick to wat I do best...hehehehehe. However I don't think I can set for any public listing just like u did :)))))

JS actually brought 2 Leicas for the dinner....
the M and the X Vario
Don't ask me...ask him....WHY???

Soon all the guests arrived, we got seated and re-seated according to Birthday Boy's specification. Hahahahaha....and YES I'm the only Dame :))))))))))

and proudly pronounced that I've been accepted to the Gentlemen's Club!!!!
Dr. Epicurean then did the honor and drew a moustache on my upper lips :))

Alcoholic Anonymous ST was explaining why he's late
the entire party was waiting for him...
I guess it's jet lag....:)))
This Aussie dude is never in Australia and I miss his beautiful Missus dearie. Hey darlin if u are reading this, when u are back in Malaysia...we gonna paint the town RED ok? :))))))) set.

Akagai = japanese cockles, served with plum jus and shiso
hmmm very refreshing and only slight and subtle hint of plum. It was paired with a rich deep pineapple-ish Bollinger Rose

Sea Urchin with chunks of sweet prawns in the middle, before a generous dollop of beef stock jelly were served on top. YUmmmmsssss. Paired with Krug 1990. This dish never fails to impress....all the time.

Terrine of foie gras with salad of endive and walnuts

I don't eat endive after JS made a bitter endives pasta 7 years was a MISSED experiment and been haunting me ever since. However this one, was really SWEET. Or it could be...that it was paired with the rich foie gras and it cut through so well? Lurve it.

Another JS in the group...yes JS is his name...and YES he's another Doctor in this group as well. So introducing Dr. JS :)))))))))))
Conclusion: All doctors are epicureans I think? hehehehehe

Tony-San was making a rather important point here.
the making of premium Soy Sauce in Japan.

So desu ne!!!!! was my only reply :P
Soli me no speaking I must learn more esp next Monday we will be hosted at a Japanese Residence. Must must remember all the japanese dining etiquettes.

Tempura of Senboushi oyster
it's really good bcoz Chef used buckwheat flour.

everyone was so vowed by this dish - Lobster Paella

rich in saffron with a bite on each of its grain. Pure lurve :))))))

How did Chef created this dish???

Wild seabass with mushrooms

served with some of the really really aged older than me Balsamico imported from Italy. It was brought by one of the guest.

Apart from aged Soyu, aged balsamico....we also had really really aged wines

Roasted duck rouennaise was my highlight
so so so good!!!

since JS doesn't take poultry/fowl...Chef prepared a simple pasta for him. It ain't that simple coz it has got seafood innit :))))))

serious Gentlemen discussion while I was bz snapping pics of the wines. Hahahahaha

Don't be so serious mate, let's cam-whore for a bit

What's next on the menu???
grilled wagyu?
I can't recall if we really had the wagyu or not....coz no evidence, no pics on both cameras nor my iPhone. Had too much to drink.

Wine of the nite for me was the CDP Celestins 1989
Followed by the RSV
yes we also opened a bottle of Petrus.

checking for some odd notes on some wines
This group doesn't do blind tasting bcoz it's just not their philosophy but I learnt faster doing blinding. Memorizing the notes, aroma and finishing on the tongue. 

Alcoholic Anonymous ST wasn't satisfied with the performance of the wines.
hahahahaha....yes I know wat u meant mate.

special request by Birthday Boy
steamed japanese rice with an egg yolk and crispy beef lard
comfort food~~~~

Poor JS, nobody knows how to use his MANUAL Leica so nobody can snap pic for him...Hence he had to snap pic of himself via the reflection on the camera.

Alcoholic Anonymous ST was already yawning big big O there while Dr JS looked so tired there...hehehehehehe. I guess another full day of surgery?

Chef Takashi Kimura came out to say hello and Happy Birthday

Bestfriends??? hehehehehehe
I look forward to ur NEW restaurant?? hehehehehehe

we were pretty tame that nite.
very very tame as it was a Tuesday nite and everyone had to be back to work the next morning. More so for those who needed to perform surgeries. They admitted if they don't drink, their hands will shake the next day - withdrawal syndromes.

Don't waste a drop, even there's a lot of sediments

Japanese Kyoho Grape granite
this group didn't want to have desserts so this simple refreshing one was a good one.
Happy Birthday Dr. Epicurean
Toast to great health and amazing wines


  1. no birthday cake for the bday boy?? XD

    such dedication to work.. salute to the bday boy!

  2. Birthday boy refused Cakes, candles and pressies.....
