Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Saja Saja dinner @ home

I've got healthy gums!!! *shakes ass* shake-a-bom-bom
just being silly bcoz JS needed a human "specimen" for his test shot. To tweak the white balance bla bla bla yada yada yada. Didn't I tell u mobile phone can take really nice pic as well?

He should be a lawyer bcoz then there's a further 10 minutes deliberation on why a good camera is really worth the $$$$$$. JS then proceeded with pin pointing the bokeh effect created on the background and the subject/specimen is so sharp on the foreground. Yeah until can see my blemishes


So out of the blue, JS needed specimens/guinea pig for his awesome-super-outta-the-world-yummy-roast pork project.

No don't worry, we are not hannibal...he needed a group of ppl to chomp chomp nom nom and give some honest feedback on his experiments.

JS been cooking roast pork for the last.....errrr..weeks?? I can't recall. Blame it on brain damage due to alcohols. So me aka his housemate aka his guinea pig no.1 ain't working anymore, coz she can't deliver any feedbacks to further improve his roast pork. Because frankly I don't think there's anymore room for improvement.

Hello!!!! don't be a perfectionist!!! there's really no more room!!! already up till the ceiling...bursting liao!!!!

Sal my french classmate was already there much earlier, so while waiting for the other specimens/guinea pigs to arrive, we down our sorrow with champagnes...

yeah she was delivering some really bad news!!
Sal: "Monkey......our french is not improving at all!!! stop monkeying around in class and start paying attention!!!!!"
Monkey: "huh??? u think so??? I thought we were so good!!!!"
the power of illusion.....
Yeah I live in a very delusional world...Thank you Mr. Alcohol.

Later, Beautiful CS arrived and more gossips ensued....
this is wat happens when u put 2 females together...when there's 3 *with me innit*'s a group of bitchas!!!!

Monkey and YS

since the ladies were bz yak-yak-yakking away, I took the opportunity to lay my hands on Beautiful CS's husband. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Yes revenge!!!! She alwiz lay her hands and legs and watever she got on JS >.<

I guess this is wat friends are about. You alwiz feel "at home" at their home. You can borrow things without returning back to them. You can *ahem* "touch" the husband. You can cry and bitch and laugh like a hyenna in front of them without felling silly. 

Friends alwiz complete me, and made me WHOLE!!!! one big full circle.
:))))))) but most of all they made me a better person and more humble about everything in life.

Soon dinner started, coz everyone's stomach was klug klug klug
special request by Beautiful CS, she wanted a cold pasta.

the above was a fresh finely minced Torro with negi, served on truffle infused pasta angel hair pasta, topped with japanese konbu, toasted sesame seed and spring onions.

plating can be better....hmmm.
oh well JS, u wanted constructive criticism I can't give anymore on the I am criticizing u on the plating, cleanliness and presentation. :)))))))))))

why are those things sticking out???
it's razor clam shells :)))))))))

one big heaps of pasta to feed the hungers hungry ppl
Homemade razor clam pasta with sweet reduction of its jus, sake, tomato and garlic.

I wished the pasta was more al-dente!!!!
guess cooking one big heap of food ain't easy huh? U won't have control over its quality.

topped with some smuggled-fr-Hong Kong Har Ji powder.
basically it's dried prawn roe then made into powder form.
though it's one big heap, all gone....except the shells.

It was really sweet and yummy coz the razor clams were still alive when they arrived home. JS personally went to pick them up at a Seafood-Restaurant-that-has-got-an-armed-security-guard-that-made-it-into-the-newspaper.

Oh well these days, even seafood restaurants are not spared from daylight robbery. I know seafood restaurant are literally day light robbers bcoz they charge such high price for their fresh produce that were still swimming and frolicking inside their tanks. But then, the bad bad robbers are now targeting these kind of restaurants for its patrons/clientele are quite well to do to dine at such establishments. 

I was introduced to the owner of this particular restaurant at an exclusive boutique. He was shopping for a timepiece and I got to interview him. :P Oh well wat he said was pretty true, if the armed forces can't do anything, he had to take action and hired armed security guards to protect his clients and his business. Tsk Tsk Tsk. Terima kasih, janji sangat dicapati. Now where's my dhal to go with capati?

Brian C, Beautiful CS, Sal and Monkey

All so ready to be guinea pigs.
It wasn't that difficult to gather a group of friends who are mutual, and of coz who doesn't hate each other. I don't want to threat any knives wound at my dinner - JS has got really sharp knives at home. But most of all they have to enjoy pork!!!! hahahahahaha

so it was a rather stupid question when I sent out individual message to each of them to book their calendar...
"Wat do u mean do I eat pork??? I don't eat pork, I swallow them."
okie u are so ON to be my specimens/guinea pigs

Simple stir fried baby kai lan with japanese sake. Actually we wanted to get broccolini but the grocer ran out of stock.

Brocollini is actually a hybrid of Broccoli and chinese Kai Lan. It is sweeter than kai-lan and as crunchy as broccoli with loads of flower florets.

Beautiful CS and YS
They didn't wanna bring their Lil Monster so I couldn't see her.

I am so glad that I've crossed path with u beautiful ppl
but most of all thank you for being JS's guinea pigs yea...kikikikikikiiiki

as u can see, Brian C is so popular at this dinner, every lady want a piece of him. He was supposed to come with Sal. They were each other's partner. Sorry Sal we hijacked your lovely plus one :)))))))

While we were bz cam-whoring....the piece of baby was waiting patiently in the kitchen....
the meat needed to be rested before JS can chop them to pieces.

different techniques were employed this rime around to prepare this piece of meat.

Marinated for god knows how long, then dunked into the sous-vide machine, slow cooked for 6 hours I think....back to fridge to be air-dried for a night. U need the skin to be as dry as possible to crispy them up. On the day itself, it was shoved into the oven, turbo-fired the bugger for sometime to crisp the skin up.

our "butcher" then chop chop chop chop them into desired thickness.
until today, I still do not know how to use the cleaver. JS used it to cut big chunks of meat, slice garlic thinly, chop spring onions, to de-vein the prawns. He called it one stop centre cleaver hahahahahaha.


Can u see the crust?? loaded with spices
the 3 layered moist juicy meat???
there were a lot of yummy goodness left on the chopping board. How I wished there's a piece of bread for me to mop them off.

JS's recipe of Roast Pork!!!!

The first tasting panels...

then over on this side...

There was a moment of silence...
JS asked how was it?

then the "ATTACK" frenzy began!!!!
chomp chomp nom nom krop krop krop

Soon questions were bombarded and slammed onto chef's face
how did u marinate it?
what did u put in?


then second platter
JS asked the guests if they want anymore, coz there's MORE in the kitchen...
everyone said no no no it's's enuff...but he chopped more and brought it out somehow..
and guess wat? the second platter was gone as well

hello my friends, u all dunnit to feel shy one...
that's wat friends are about :))))))))

Beautiful CS: "Hey I think I can't fit into my pants anymore!!!"
kekekkekekekekekekekeke. Nvm I have a trolley at home which I can wheel u out later.

Happy Happy People
eppy eppy host and hostess :))))))

and all of them want a pic with the Chef

Chef with a lemon and me with a Microplane grater
Chef JS said he wanted to emulate the Iron Chef that hold that stupid piece of fruit...I forgot which one of the 3 irons chefs...

Dessert of the Chocolate fondant

with its oozing centre...

Chef asked if anyone wanted 2nd round as he still have some leftover batter....
and everyone this time around really not shy and raised up their hands!!!!

compliments to the chef, he made another round for everyone!!!
He really loves this group of guinea pigs coz they can really EAT!!!!

Brian C, YS and JS

Monkey, Sal, Beautiful CS
I was so drunk then I needed a mask to cover my drunkard face :P
the mask was bought from Venice a few years ago

and finally a GROUP PIC!!!!
JS managed to do the timer setting on his Leica and did a group shot
but bcoz it's meant to focus on certain ppl, those at the sides were quite blur....JS called it the bokeh effects....hahahaha

Thank you once again my dearie friends/guinea pigs/specimens.
Till the next experiment OK?


  1. what a Saja Saja meal!!! ;)

    JS, are you going to share your marinade for the pork with us? If I can eat yours, at least I can try and make it... hehehe

  2. Food Dreams: Give us ur email add and he'll send it over. hehehehehe

  3. I miss the porkie..the pasta and Italian risotto...!!!!

  4. Food dreams. Please give us your e mail contact.:)

  5. Anonymous12:00 PM

    The roast pork indeed look delicious lar.... Good job, JS!!


    waiting happily!! XD
