Wednesday, June 26, 2013

At Work.........

Last Friday, Monkey was hanging out at Majestic Kuala Lumpur for work. Such a beautiful property to be at...we were here when it was newly opened and a few months looked even more beautiful with more refinement done here and there.

I lurve my shoes which I got at Bangkok together with Kindy Chai. Nice to kick around innit...hahahaha and my limited edition Lana del Ray pink jeans from H&M. I've noticed I have a lot of bimbotic pink stuffs on me alwiz.

so we got the largest suite on the new wing for our "work". I must say the new wing is quite a disappointment though, looking like any other hotels with no distinctive features. Unlike the old wing @ Majestic it evoked a nostalgia feeling with its impeccable butler service, old tiles and very very colonial rooms, windows and wooden blinds. LURVE~~~~~

I can't decide if he's sexier or the watch he's wearing

Monkey: "Hey this isn't a just-woke-up look....his hair is too NEAT!!!"
Stylist: "Oppsss sorry!!!"

Go and ruffle it up...if u not gonna do it I am climbing into the bed and do it myself
nyek nyek nyek

Finally....the just-woke-up look with ruffled hair and lazy eyes

Casper the model: "I like this watch a lot.."
Monkey: "Thanks. Me too :))))))))))))"

Casper the model: "Where can I get it like for RM 100? I want an imitation."

Monkey >.<
No u can't get this for RM 100 and no there's no imitation on this iconic watch!!!!

and the bathroom scene....

Sexay Back Maggie: "Woiiii this is a bathroom scene....he's supposed to clad in only towels...why is he still wearing jeans underneath that thick towel???"

All eyes on Sexay Back Maggie
hello woman, I thought I was too are an entirely different animal yourself. Hahahahaha. Anyway there's only one thing that can make Monkey eppy eppy.....

Cat came later bringing 2 boxes of yummy goodness
when she walked into the suite, the whiff of freshly baked eggies rumbled everyone's stomach.

Monkey: "can I order room service to go along with these babies? Actually I'm dying for some alcos."
Stylist Sarah: "u wanna start the Friday party earlier izzit?"

Swiss Rolls from Yut Kee Coffee shop
the hainanese establishment since 1928

Cat waited 45 minutes for these babies to be baked at its oven, prepared and cool b4 she could rush to Majestic for the photo shoot. LOL!!! all for yummy food, guess I found my match :)))))

yeah u got it right, everyone was ogling at this box of swiss roll instead of the model :P
after the photo shoot Monkey went to do coffee with Hotelier Nij who's no longer Oreo Nij bcoz he's a grown up young man now. It was a productive Friday afternoon :)))) I love my job :))))

and finally a long slow steamboat dinner with my bitches :))))
I lurve my day


  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Drooling at the model. kekeke...
    "Casper the model: "Where can I get it like for RM 100? I want an imitation.".... <-- very smart huh :-D

  2. hahahaha I can totally imagine u drooling :P

  3. oo.. YUMMY!!!!

    *I meant both Casper & Swiss Rolls... kekekeke :P

