Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Sexay Back and Shy Chatwin Wedding

the BIG day!!!!
Monkey flew back for this really really BIG BIG day
if I don't....Sexay Back Maggie will chop me into pieces kekekekekekekeke.

the dashing groom was smiley face the entire day
it's like his biggest day of his life too hahahahahaha

Both of them met at the dance floor and Shy Chatwin...despite being shy wooed her with his dance move. This guy can damn dance. The first time Monkey was introduced to this Shy boy, she was also amazed at his dance moves....hmmm...so this is how u picked up chicks huh? :D

the bridesmaids - Million Dollar Smile Encee, Monkey, Sweet Devil Rachel, Sharoness
all woke up like super early for an entire day full of activities from preparing concoctions for all the Heng Tais, the picking up the bride session, church and mass and finally the wedding reception in the evening.

Lil Kayla was playing hide and peek
she's growing up too fast

YS preparing milk for Baby Kayla under the watchful eyes of Macho Mani
Way to go daddy!!! Macho Mani must be learning the steps by heart hahahaha

awwww so nice!!!! even the bottle is of the same theme color!!!
Fuchsia is my favourite color

Photog Bonnie was super tired
she's been working throughout the week and this week as well. I don't think I can handle managing 3 super heavy cameras on my shoulder for hours!!!!

"Mommy, can I wear this now?"

Baby Kayla and Baby Rheanna
both of them were so so so cute!!!!! Gonna break many boys' hearts hohohohohohohoho

Hot Mama Thevi and Beautiful CS were bz trying to attract the gal's attention for Photog Bonnie

The ring bearer Aiden. He's no longer a baby now. 

Macho Mani and Sweet Devil Rachel...so now we are waiting for your turn to pop out cute lil babies :)))))

Baby Wei also came for this important day :))))))))))))

Shy Chatwin and his bestman Brandon who's his elder brother
He's eyes were definitely on someone :))))))))))))....someone special

His someone......who's so special and dearest to him and his heart - Sexay Back Maggie

Look at that EPPY FACE!!!!
words can't describe how happy she was....
we were too but don't worry, no tears were shed hehehehehehe

and then she was given to Shy Chatwin by her daddy dearest :))))))))

This was the part everyone waiting for......and now u may kiss the bride

Sexay Back is now officially Mrs. Hoe :))))))
all of us were so happy and delightful to see her in such joy beyond words :))))))

and Shy Chatwin proudly showed off his wife
"Hey that's my WIFE u know!!! my wife!!!"
hahahahha yes we know :))))))

Too many pics....sorry all no captions
hehehehhe well a picture speaks a thousand words ma

u can see that our energy level is really extremely low

Shy Chatwin got molested for the last time.....oh well I hope
there will be many more times to come I know....hehehehe

Bridesmaids and Photog Bonnie

Many many Congratulations to both of you Sexay Back Maggie and Shy Chatwin
this is the beginning of a beautiful journey to come
see both of u really soon :))))))


  1. Rachel9:46 AM

    nice wedding :) can i know where did you get the bridesmaid dresses?

  2. Beautiful ceremony, beautiful people! Welcome home, Bee Ree :X

  3. welcome home! miss yr ramblings and post....

    what a gorgeous wedding! Congrats to your fren!!

    When can I see yours??? ;)

  4. Rachel: The bridesmaid dresses were custom maid by a tailor :))
    Nee Lee: Thank you :)))
    Food Dreams: TQ, I missed home and more ramblings to come. No wedding bells for us so u won't see anything :P

  5. The wedding was very beautiful and the pictures also came out great. Seems like everyone had an enjoyable time at the event. My sister’s is also just a few days away, and as expected I got the opportunity to be the maid of honor. We’ve had a wonderful time so far organizing the wedding at one of the amazing Chicago venues.
