Monday, April 01, 2013

Welcome-Home again Dinner

Last Wednesday the Fukuyamas hosted dinner at Frangipani to welcome themselves home once again back in KL :))))) Hahahah no that was not the case, it was just a get together with friends but the real reason was to enjoy all the fine wines that we have :))) And now one of the Fukuyama is travelling again and we shall meet again tonite for another welcome-home dinner huh? :))))

The Chef just joined the establishment a few months ago....hailed from Southern Spain - Malaga. We were just 50km from Malaga a few months ago at the Sierra Nevada mountain looking at some marble lions squirting water outta their mouth *click here to read*

Since Chef is from Andalusia, so his cuisine is definitely Spanish. All food served that nite are not in the menu yet. Right now they are still serving the previous chef's menu which is pretty much contemporary French. Can't comment on the previous menu coz never been there for ages....until 3 weeks ago and last week :)))

The evening started off with lots of greetings, hugs and love....bubblies....smiles....and beautiful Antipasti prepared by Chef. The above pic was a smoked air dried beef.

Everyone's favourite!!!
white anchovies from Spain, served with beautiful Olive oil from Andalusia. We didn't get these home from our visit a few months ago but the olive oil yes :)))))))

my favourite was this......anchovies and roasted capsicum
this was version 2 after much experiments thanks to Dr. Epicurean. 3 weeks ago, the one I had was good but this one was BEST.

Cristal champagne is MW Maho daily drinks.
*read about our visit at their factory here*

chilled gazpacho soup was excellent.....just like the one I had in Seville exclaimed Monkeyeveryone was like...DUH the chef is spanish ok??

Sauteed tiger prawns served with alfafa....the sauce on its side was a beautiful nutty almond cream. Yumsss!!!! it was so good that Sexay Peach Lissa requested for more almond cream.

Sexay Peach Lissa and Dr. Epicurean
lurve the smiles :))))
Mediterranean grilled octopus served on a bed of wasabi mash and paprika oil
Version 2 is as good as Version 1 that I had 3 weeks ago.
This shows consistency :)))) I lurve....would want to see this on the menu soon :)))
Foie Gras Mi Cuit with sliced apple, goat cheese, apples compote
just the right size right portioning :))))

Victor, MW Maho, JS
this side of the table only discuss about wines......but deeply rooted were discussion about terroir and soil and geography location of each parcels and plots

yeah discuss until wine notebook popped outta JS's manbag.
according to him, this will be my bedtime story till end of this month. I'll need to pick up all the info as quick as possible when we visit St.Emillion next month.
I never felt so stress in my holidays before :P

Confit fillet of Black Cod was so so so soft and melts in ur mouth and tongue....ohhhhhh~~~~
very well executed!!!

Main course was a Grilled Lamb Loin with pistachio crust
by this time, my stomach with the cc level of a Kancil can't fill in anything anymore~~~~ most of the meat were donated to Dr. Epicurean the 1 kilo man.

The Ladies - MW Maho the hostess, Monkey and Viola. The mention of her name is such joy.....Viola :)))

wooohooooo wat a lineup for the evening!!!!!
that's why I don't mind suffering in KL jam for all these :))))))
Thank you peeps for sharing all these

 oh's so old the label came off

def older than me :P

Chef and Papa Bear Seiichi the host
sharing notes on food and wines
yeah I know...being a Chef is stressful these days.

Cheese platter!!!!
this group of friends are cheese freaks...I better stock up some at home before their arrival this coming weekend :))))))

Arigatoo Gozaimasu Fukuyamas....tonite another round *hic....hic...*

Frangipani Restaurant & Bar
25 Changkat Bukit Bintang,
50200 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2144 3001


  1. food looks pretty exotic here... hehehe... :)

  2. hello Food Dreams....speaking of exotic, last nite I had a really exotic weird nite (food). Will share soon :))))
