Monday, April 15, 2013

JS's Birthday Pressie

No no no....I can't afford a plane. Maybe those lil cute remote controlled plane/copter or worse paper planes :))))). JS is one of those few men that I known who has got everything that money can buy. So as years passed it's getting more difficult to get him pressies. >.<

so Monkey got him a flying adventure :)))))))
he received his pressie through a special delivery with 3 helium balloons tied to it on his birthday morning at his office. I dunno why he was so shy that he quickly signed for the delivery and ran back to his desk with those 3 helium balloons trailing around his head.....he actually hid them and held the balloons down

*try to imagine Man Down Man Down Man Down*

that's how he held his balloons down
I guess at his age to receive flowers and balloons is something of a joke??? Oh well I have yet to arrive to the extend of sending flowers to a man. Gay men don't count ok cos I've done that to my dearie Gay friends

oooo helicopters!!! I've never ride in one but heard that it's scary. JS's job did required him to ride on one before to visit oil rigs out in the sea. WAH your job is so fun huh? U get to ride on all these mean machines and do defensive driving on track with a BMW.

but then again the grass is alwiz greener on the other side. According to him, helicopter ride is very scary....really really scary....

As we were walking on the tarmac to our plane....JS asked if we are flying this plane..

oh please dream on...this is a private jet....
soon a group of mak datins with birkins bigger than my ass boarded this private jets.

Darlin...this is our lil plane :))
we woke up so early for this that our eyes were just -_- one line...
typical chinese eyes....hahahaha

Soon we were shown parts of the planes by Captain M. Ho
and also to sign the indemnity forms...who to contact should anything happen and who's our next in kin...


sounds like we are signing for something more serious huh?
since I can put JS's name and he can't put mine...we had to think of other ppl to add.
yeah our circle of family members is really that small.

"Are u ready???"
Monkey >.<
I.M.SCARED.OF.HEIGHTS and small planes!!!!!

Wow that's too much to read and see on the many dials and what's wat??????
so confusing!!!!!

but Captain Ho is so farnie!!! his descriptions are precise and clear
"whatever that you do, don't touch the RED button here OK????"
well sometimes we have itchy fingers and hands, the more you said no, the more we want to try it. Oh well it's a reverse psychological thingy.

however when it comes to life and death...oh no thanks...I'll just follow wat u asked me to do.

JS has got such a cute ear piece with Zebra fluffy muffler
I WANT!!!!!!!
that reminds me of Madagascar
I like move it move it
he likes to move it move it
she likes to move it move it
you like to move it....MOVE IT!!!!

I have one too!!! and it's a weird feeling because we can't hear anything on the outside but lots of communication with control tower.

"Air Adventure 5, requesting permission to take off."
Control Tower: "Air adventure 5, cleared for take off at runway 1."

AHHH we are taking off so soon??? no waiting at all???? this is so much faster than commercial flights!!!

Poor JS was made to taxi a plane on his own..
it ain't easy because you use your feet and toes and press the pedals to maneuver the plane.

To the Captain, it was easy bcoz it's just like following the yellow line on the tarmac but for beginners like's quite tough u know. Imagine driving your car with only your accelerator.

U can't go too much right or too much left.
so I guess it's all by feelings huh?

"Ok now pick up speed........we need to reach xxxx speed."
OMG we are already on the runway....this is so fast...

"Ok now pull the yoke."
JS pull the steering wheel which is called a yoke
I wouldn't have known....wat yoke??? where?????
and in nano seconds we were off the ground

I was in horror because I thought this flying adventure was only for him to play-play and he only gets to maneuver the plane after we are air bound...but no!!! Captain Ho let him take off!!!! all on his u can totally imagine how fast my heart was skipping...almost outta my chest!!!!

and we were air bound!!!! phew~~~~~
destination......port klang!!!!

Look!!! he's sooooo happy but quite tense. Look at his arms and all the veins!!!!

"Don't hold too tight..just like holding a bird...too tight and u will kill it."
Captain's description was so farnie...

very slowly we picked up altitude and passed Bukit Jelutong to Shah Alam to Port Klang.
We didn't fly too high, just between 1,000 to 1,500 feet

weather was really bad on the west side of Klang Valley....this was Setia Alam.
We saw the vast future development of this area with a Toyota manufacturing plan with thousands of cars parked on the outside. Sigh, I don't really like the idea of new cars parked under the hot sun before being delivered to owners.

the tail of our air craft. It's a small Cessna 4 seaters, weighing about 600 kg only.
so it's not meant for fat ppl ok. Captain told me I can even push it on ground.

Captain: ""Okie now where do u wanna go?"
Monkey: "I wanna see my house."
so typical of Monkey....-_-

So JS dipped the plane and did a sharp turn back to East

"Where's our home? Where's our home???"
Heelllooooo please focus and look in front!!!!!! Eyes on the wheels please!!!!!

There!!!!!!!! right in front of the golf course
even the Captain now knows where we lived....believe me, later he learnt more about us than he originally intended to...poor Captain...sorry the 3 of us are stuck in this small plane so u gotta bear with us for the course of a few hours.

"Now where do u wanna go?"
I wanna see Subang Airport!!!
JS -_-"
ini perempuan ah.....

WAHHHH we crossed the runway at 1,000 feet!!!!
I felt like a boss :P

nearby there was a military plane flew by
it's less than 500 feet away...
wow that's close.....

Monkey wasn't so scared anymore after 30 minutes....JS was too lazy to entertain me so he decided we will head towards the KL city centre.

"Permission for entering City air space"

"Permission cleared."

this is even better than the iPad flying games :P

"Hey Monkey, we are in the city centre now."
Look at his LCLY -_-"
ehhh u are not the captain ok. Don't act like one.

Go nearer!!!!

Go lower go lower!!!!
JS -_-"

"Okie now I wanna go to my office!!!"
Both JS and Captain "HAH??????"

Ok Monkey, for u my love....your office. here we go.

the KL Tower...
oh well my office isn't there but it's walking distance away :)))

"WAHHH my office building!!!!"
"take lar pic of the KL tower!!!!"

Ok oK ok sorry I'm too in love with my office :P
it sure looks beautiful from the air.

Ok now where to next
this time the Captain voiced out first and decided, think he beh-tahan already...."Let's head to Chow Kit Road now!!!"
and off we Chow Kit...then towards Batu Caves.

After the circling the city round and round and round
as though we are doing some land and buildings and city survey, it's time to head out. Due to security reason, no planes can circulate KL city air space like this....just in case some nuts decided to crash the twin towers.

so we were off to Damansara, Mont Kiara, Kelana Jaya, PJ old town..
oh well u name it...guess we've been everywhere yesterday :))

until.....JS decided another location
"I wanna see my office now."
Captain and Monkey smacked forehead.

There your office tower!!!! Happy??????
You wanna open the window and say hi to your colleagues???
but then again it's Sunday :P nobody's at work :P

Still shaken and scared happy Monkey with a super duper happy JS.
I seldom see him smile like this -_-

"Okie folks...enuff??? time to head back to Subang Airport."
to my horror, Captain again let JS prepare for landing!!
wahhh how come u have so much faith in him?!?!?!?!?!!?

I was so so so SOOOOO surprised that JS maneuvered the plane onto the right course, at the right altitude with both wings so balanced into the runway correctly.

Have u been practicing on the iPad???
even the Captain was impressed......

Actually the landing was pretty scary as we were approaching the runway.
Couldn't snap a pic of the runway due to over-exposure of the camera.

OK now slowly....slowly....
even slower...

I shut my eyes and come the plane is still moving so fast????

only when I felt the wheels touched the ground softly I opened my eyes to snap a few more pics.
It was such a soft and delicate landing.....
WOW so smooth!!!!
Monkey clapped like a penguin
oing oing oing oing~~~~

OH it was an exhilarating adventure

"Thank you Captain Ho for bringing us home safely!!!"

"Oh no it was all him!!!" and pointed to JS
errrrrr......definitely not. You won't let an amateur do it on his own but I was surprised that JS was given opportunity to take off and landing.

Dear JS, I hope you had a great time scary as it was I had an awesome time and put my life in your hands.....that required a hell lot of faith.

He answered me that it was really stressful and tense to fly a plane. Anyhow he's enrolling himself for his first flying course soon :)))))

If you would like to rent a plane, log on to:


  1. Hehe.....I thoroughly enjoyed this flying being a high flyer for a day. Actually the session ended too soon :)))
    There is nothing on earth that gives one such a feeling of freedom except flying.
    Thank you loupoh for making my birthday prezy so special and memorable......I will remember and treasure this experience for the rest of my life :)))

  2. its a super nice pressie!! Happy Birthday JS, wishing you lots of health & happiness always...

  3. Anonymous1:59 PM

    Interesting experience and special birthday gift! JS look so hepi. guys are farnie lar... ;-)

  4. heheheheh thank you ladies :)))

    JS, now go get your flying license...then u can be as free as u want anytime. hahahahaha.
