Friday, April 05, 2013

H&M Conscious Partywear 2013 Collection

Light green Tulle Dress with bustier in several layers lined with gold thread.....ohhhh~~~~~
Retailing at RM 799

4th March 2013 marked the date H&M launched its Conscious PartyWear collection WORLDWIDE. Doesn't matter if you are in Lebanon, South Korea, Croatia or Mexico. The exciting, much anticipated, really really super limited collection was finally on sale at selected H&M outlets around the world.

Big Grin on Monkey's face :))))))))))))
Months ago, I've already spotted those few key pieces. And what Monkey wants....she'll get it :)))
Long dress in the color of old rose, this is actually a BARE-BACK dress all the way down to your waist. With my height, this is impossible to pull but then it's retailing at only RM 199. Arghhhhh

Cocktail dress with beaded embroidery in powder pink, retailing at RM 399
Look at all the intricate embroidery!!!

I tried this's either the top fits and the bottom doesn't....whichever way I was not lucky enuff to own this dress :((( unless I chop off some meat/fat off my body to compensate for parts I'm lacking -_-

Every year H&M launches its Conscious Collection
It's a long term project to make Fashion sustainable, greener and available to as many people as possible. Yes it's greener!!! coz all cotton were organic cottons. You must be wondering....what the heck??? Do u really need Organic Cotton???

Oh yes....believe me...Organic Cotton spells ZERO Pesticides!!!!
and it's of higher quality cotton....and when it's of better and higher quality, you use less water to clean them. You'll be alarmed to find out water usage can be reduced to as low as 20% for this process.

And to be sustainable, H&M uses a lot of renewable energy. From their solar panels to generate electricity, recycled papers, recycled water.....and guess what???? RECYCLED POLYESTER!!!

I never felt this good buying new clothes
yea why not?
and so......Monkey's chosen dress :))))))))))))
Maroon Dress with Roses, with crinkly organza's SO STUNNING!!!! Retailing at RM 399. Sold with a separate matching headband with the same roses!!!!

I was so lucky to have a Personal Shopper cum Consultant cum Lady Boss from H&M Malaysia :))))

Dawnie: "Oh I see u got that exclusive dress already :)) Did you get the matching hairband?"
Monkey dug it out from her H&M shopping bag carrier and raised it up with PRIDE

Dawnie: "OHHHHH lucky you!!! There's only 3 pieces in Malaysia!!!"
Monkey: "REALLY????WOOHOOOOOO~~~~" and twirled around.

Monkey: "My friend wanted this same Rose Dress, do you still have stock?"
Dawnie: "I'm sorry, there are only 9 pieces in Malaysia. And in your size, there are only 2."

Oh oh oh!!!!! o.O
but Monkey didn't give up....she harassed all the boys and gals working at the fitting room area.

Monkey: "If you see this dress in 34 *holding her dress up high*.......keep it and call me. This is an order!!!"
In the end, I camped INSIDE the fitting room lounge waiting for someone to release the other size 34. Well no such luck but this friend finally got her dress from another friend based in Zurich.

Yup, in life determination is very very very crucial and important.
Whenever there's a will there's alwiz a way or WAYSSSSS

Whatcha waiting for? There are so many other beautiful sustainable dresses at H&M. Hopefully they are still hanging nicely after the manic yesterday. Good luck with the shopping. Else you can still buy the other Conscious collection which was launched earlier in March. 

For more information:

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