Wednesday, March 06, 2013

Bamboo Rafting, Chiang Mai

This is a follow-up post from the elephant ride. It was a day full of adventure from riding the bull/ox then the elephant and finally ended with a bamboo raft ride...hahahahaha. There were all FIRST for me >.<

Definitely better than riding fun rides in theme parks hahahahahahaha. This city slicker Monkey has never done these kind of rustic adventure rides before so it was suuuuurrreeeeee FUN!!!

Who are these 2 vietnamese gals???

"Hey u think this raft can accommodate our weights?"

"I have no idea....told ya not to eat so much for lunch just now."
"But the kuey teow soup was soooo awesome....I had 3 bowls!!!"

If this raft is limited by weight...confirmed we are sinking~~~~~~
sing me the Titanic song now :P

I Ching and Monkey

JS: "Vietnamese gals, please turn around...I wanna have a nice pic of u ladies!!"

Actually this man-made bamboo raft was really steady
never wobbly and it was a pleasant 45 minutes ride down the river

There were 2 handlers of the raft....each at the other end of the raft
with 4 city slickers passengers hahahahaha

the 3 of us sat as still as possible, for fear of falling into the water.
only JS the agile one walking up and down the raft like he works here -_-"

throughout the ride, we saw more elephants...flora and fauna
This tree must be really really old!!!!

When Monkey dipped her feet into the was ICE COLD!!!!!
so I guess the best year to visit Chiang Mai is year end when the weather is this cooling

More tourists ahead....some of the European tourists tried their hands in handling the bamboo stick and soon proved to be too difficult. It's not as easy as it seems!!!!

very soon the ride was at its end......:((
and our driver was already waiting with our transport to fetch us back to the busy hustling bustling city centre of Chiang Mai.

I've never live in a jungle before
Time to search for some nice resort to stay in the jungle :))))))))))
Any recommendations?? Could be in Malaysia or out of the country.


  1. Errrrrr......3 city slickers(not 4) actually cos I was a kampung boy before :))

  2. Which kampong u from?

  3. nice quiet ride... for 3 city slickers & 1 kampung boy... ;)

  4. Hahahah thanks Food Dreams :)

  5. That looks fantastic! I'm sure you enjoyed this a lot.

    white water rafting tips
