Thursday, February 21, 2013

Wine dinner with wine kakis

Amuse Bouche of akagai on bamboo piths

Wine dinner with this gang is alwiz serious
very very serious and the wine preparations were arranged weeks in advance
not to mention the Chef was also preparing in advance hahahaha
Chef Takashi requested for the wine list so all his creation will match perfectly

the usual modus operandi is.....the boys will gather their wines and arrange them on the sideboard once they've arrived...then there will be a small discussion to start which bottle to be followed by which.....even the Sommelier has got no say...-_-"

Monkey as a beginner alwiz sweat -_-"
die...I didn't do my homework again~~~~~~ never read up my wine notes

Starter of Carrot Glacee with Sea Urchin
it was a very refreshing dish to tantalize our palate
and we already started off with 2 bottles of champagnes

Beignet of Akkeshi Oyster with Oscietra

slightly fried oysters freshly flown in from Hokkaido
Akkeshi is on the eastern side of Hokkaido

the batter was light and crispy, it was intended to be this way to protect the oysters during the process of frying. Hence maintaining the sweetness and juicyness of these oysters :))))
topped with some Oscietra caviar - a highly prized and expensive caviar but the fish is almost extinct what ppl does now are not eating less of it but farming the sturgeon fish. I suppose in life whenever there's a will there's a everything...Agree???

Buckwheat noodle with Perigord truffles, very very generous shavings of truffles

the truffle was named after the region of Perigord in France
January is the best month to consume because they smell the best with the highest perfume nose
but Monkey was searching for her noodles....

yayyy!!!! i found my noodles, laden with thick mushroom sauce and shaved aged parmesan
yes I know it's aged :))))))))

Dr. Epicurian brought this really old and definitely older than most of us here - Haut Brion
My last bottle was with J&J in Hong Kong recently
old wines needed to be prepared in advance and opened at certain time for it to "breathe"
either breathing from its decanter, its own bottle or from your own glass

Notsuke scallop with nanohana
another produce from Hokkaido :)))))))))
well when the chef is Japanese you can be rest assured all the ingredients were sourced directly from the very best of its region.

It's also the season for nanohana - rapeseed flowers
errr well it's supposed to be yellow
I lurve it for its texture and sweetness. You can have this at most japanese restaurants now.

Roasted Hokaku with Pan jus

nobody could explain to us what fish this was except Tony-San who was with us...he said this is a very ugly shaped fish but the texture was extremely delicate and silky-liked. I lurve it really much :)))

Slow cooked Chapon with mushrooms
I was looking around for mushrooms but saw chicken gizzard and liver
JS was in horror but he got a different dish - venison tenderloin -_-"

the parcel was wrapped with foie gras which melts in ur mouth and I got the chicken wing part!!!!
woohoooo with its crispy skin
Chapon is a castrated chicken >.< from France

I was waiting for this :))))
Kobe Beef with Jus
in fact everyone was waiting for this to pair with the fantastic red wines

John C the Si Fu of wines in HK, Chef Takashi and special guest Jonathan

we had a very good spectrum that evening
2 champagnes - with one Artisan maker
1 white burgundy
2 red burgundy - my fav was the bottle of Musigny, wine of the nite :)))
1 Italian red 1994 - the king of italian red

1 Barolo 1988 - another italian
1 Spanish 1985 - Vega Sicilia, this was really a treat :)))
1 Japanese red wine!!!!!! - this was another RARE treat from Tony-san
1 1966 Haut Brion

so a total of 10 bottles for 8 person

a close up shot of all the rare and beautiful bottles :)))))))
was really lucky to have this opportunity :))))

finally the 11th bottle....a bottle of Riesling for dessert
hmmm wat was I doing in 1983 then?

Chestnut Creme brulee
yup it's a deconstructed creme brulee :))
with nutty bites of chestnuts innit
served with caramel ice creams....oh heaven~~~~

Dato V, Chef Takashi, John C, Jonathan, Dr. Epicurian, JS, Monkey, Tony-San and Viola
Thank you my dearie Wine Kakis!!!!

Looking forward to our next gathering :)))))

Cilantro Restaurant & Wine Bar
Micasa All Suite Hotel,
368-B, Jalan Tun Razak,
50400 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2179 8082


  1. Unusually Fabulous as always... and look at the truffle...its like having truffle as a main course!! :)

  2. Food Dreams: Thank you :))))
