Friday, February 15, 2013

CNY luncheon at Shang Palace

Lou Sang or Lou Hei!!!
whichever u call it, it must be done with joy and mess hahahaha
tossing as high as you can, wishing for all the auspicious things in life and for the year to come

The team planned to the "sau goong" luncheon at Shang's Palace in Shangri-La. Not very often you can go by voting system in other companies hahahaha. But when it comes to FOOD, everyone has got a say innit. We also heard some horror stories of companies deducting the cost of "sau goong" meals from the employees bonuses. Awwwww that's really a HORROR story!!!! O.O

"Sau Goong" literally means close marks the last working day in the chinese calendar. In case you didn't know, the first day of the Snake year was actually on 4th February. It was the first day of Spring or "Lap Chun"

Braised mini "Monks jump over the wall"
I dunno why the name this dish such a name...for monks don't eat meat...and obviously there are in this dish.

There is also another name called Buddha jumps over the Wall to refer to this very same dish. After much reading on my dearie worldwide web...I found out that this dish was created during the Qing Dynasty. The name refers the dish is so so so delicious and yummy dish that even the Monks who are vegetarian would jump over the temple's wall to enjoy this dish....

anyway Chinese are good PR ppl....

Back to the dish, it was really yummy and rich...with whole abalone, fish maw, sea cucumber, whole sun-dried scallop and a huge mushroom. I don't mind having 2 bowls to myself hahahahaha

Combination platter of crispy suckling pig, roasted duck and spicy jelly fish
the most popular one is alwiz gone this case, never fail diners was the crispy suckling pig

Steamed "Soon Hock" fish with light soya sauce
a wild fresh water marbled sleeper has got really fine delicate texture.
anyway we don't take farmed fish. So if it's a fresh water fish, it has to be wild :)))))

Braised large king prawn in superior sauce
It was really a HUMONGOUS prawn
Then it was followed by fried rice with waxed meat, yam and dried shrimps, I was so stuffed by then, hence forgot to snap pic of the fried rice -_-

Steamed 2 layers glutinous rice flour cake...
the brown layer was the traditional flavour and the white one was osmanthus
This is a very typical chinese new year dish :))))

my favourite sweetened ginger juice with sweet potatoes and rice dumpling
there were black sesame paste inside the white dumpling

We were such gluttons hahahahaha
after the yummylicious, full of laughter "sau goong" luncheon, all of us hugged and parted ways...gosh I drove 60km home with all these food in my stomach and half opened eyelids

This was the Rich Fortune set menu
the food was really rich, satisfying and yummy :):):)
lurve it...will be our usual hangout for sau goong lunch for more years to come.

Shang Palace
Shangri-la Hotel,
11 Jalan Sultan Ismail,
50250 Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 603 2074 3904


  1. Yee sang seems to be one of those dishes of which I never tire. Yum.

  2. Yup esp these days with so many variation of Yee Sang. Happy CNY!!!
