Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cookout by the Men, Singapore

On a lazy Saturday.....actually it wasn't lazy...I remembered we were rushing from places to places, trying to do as much as we needed to, also stuffing our face with as much food as we could :P
crazy weekend shopping along Orchard Road and also groceries
then rushed off to Si Fu Lawrence's home to prepare

ok ok ok I lied...him bz doing groceries and prepping up for dinner
while me bz shopping and stuffing food into my face
heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :P

and to reward ourselves JS was feeling rather generous and opened a bottle of KRUG 1989

I don't know why if it's a habit or a must-do thing for chefs...they HAVE to drink while they cook
that reminds me of the late Chef Keith Floyd, alwiz entertaining alwiz cooking with a glass of wine on the other hand.

JS was so keen into perfecting his Toro tartare and cold somen
it was his 2nd time making these based on pics he saw and ingredients list "guessed" by Si Fu Lawrence. How do u even make something without a recipe??? but based on pic and a tasting note from someone else???

He managed to get some good quality sashimi cut toro from Isetan, Shaw Parade
for those who didn't know, toro is the fattiest cut from the belly of a tuna

next he cooked and prepared the somen, mixed them with I dunno wat and lotsa konbu
somen is japanese wheat flour noodle with a delicate texture and taste
it's so delicate that somen aint' easy to prepare

anyway everything is rocket science to me in the kitchen
I've only mastered the art of eating

Chef JS adding salt into the somen, the precision of how many specs of salt is important I guess, hahahahahahaha. The Men alwiz cooked with such intensity and passion.

Everynite, JS and Si Fu would be bz on whatsapp chatting on wines and cooking notes. a jealous partner would thought he's having an affair with another woman on the line. hahahahaha

the final product with some chopped spring onions and toasted japanese sesame seeds
Somen was springy and meant to served cold, while the finely chopped toro was flavoured just right
so simple and yet it gives such pleasure on the palate
the cold noodles, fresh ingredients, umami taste~~~~~~

since the Theme was everything is home-cooked from scratch
really yummy ribs with bittergourd cooked in chinese miso
another classic by Si Fu Lawrence, comfort food and alwiz welcomed :)))))

JS popped another bottle of KRUG Clos du Mesnil
all eyes turned to me and asked: "What's the occasion?"
I was dumb founded and just said...."errr guess he's feeling rather generous today?"
it was my 3rd bottle of CDM :))))))))
very very very lucky :)))))))))))

some really sweet yummy strawberries to accompany the champagnes
huge fat sweet strawberries :))))))))

Si Fu Lawrence prepared really yummy fatty clams with glass noodles
everyone was complimenting how sweet it was until we found out he used Leclapart champagne to cook it.....
O.O all of us stared at him in horror~~~

u damn high standard lar mate....the winemaker will come and haunt u for cooking with such fine champagnes.....
in the end we licked the bowl dry :P

Si Fu Lawrence oso prepped up some beef!!!!
oh yumsssss just the right done-ness = medium

there were only 7 of us and all food gone in seconds
we were piranhas :D heeeeeeeee

since everyone needed some form of carbs, fried rice with Japanese Okinawa eggs came out of the kitchen. Think the portion too small....ain't enuff...
also gone in seconds :P mind u those were organic red rice for Baby K...since the adults didn't like tasteless red rice, it must be fried this way hahahahaha

not a bad lineup for 7 adults, only 6 were drinking
even the Hungarian Tokaji sweet wines was served at the end...showed not enuff to drink???
think there were also some whiskies at the end....can't remember

the more alcohol I had, the hungrier I I was whining that "I am still HUNGRY!!!!"
Si Fu whipped up a spicy fried mee hoon in nano-seconds with some leftover meat and vegetables.
It was so good I had 3 bowls :P
I know...I'm a greedy bastard.

the aftermath~~~~~
not too bad for a Saturday evening
I still think ain't enuff to eat coz I saw Tim Tam on the table, plus Bagaholic Tracie brought out all her premium potato chips and junk food :P

and finally....after stuffing food onto my face for hours...I decided that it's enough~~~~
think I was drunk or something :P
but the couch was sure comfy

the next morning it was Baby K lazing on the couch....she has grown so much

I remembered her 1st month, her 1st birthday and her cries + screams which still haunts me till today. Monkey squealed in delight when she asked me to play with her that nite. :)))))

Great good, awesome wines and happy friends
if it is the end of the World...this would be how we gonna spend it


  1. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Seeing the men can cook so well...
    I want to hide behind the tree edi la... :-p

  2. hahhaah don't compare...We cook at our level...the men at their own :P
